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Liberia Has New Trans-Continental Player In UK


The Deputy Mayor, Councillor Alpha Bird Collins, LLM has become Liberia’s new trans-continental player in the United Kingdom.

He is the only Liberian who is elected in local government on the Labour Party’s ticket as a councillor and mayor in the United Kingdom.

The United Kingdom is made up of Wales, Northern Ireland, England and Scotland.
In an interview with Deputy Mayor Collins on his inception into office about his breakthrough divulged that he added value to himself via education, worked very hard and smart to excel to where he is.

Ambassasor Collins pointed out that he was first elected as Town Councillor for Cowley Hill ward in Elstree and Borehamwood (town of UK film and movie industries) in 2019.

In May 2023, he was re-elected as Town Councillor for Hillside and newly elected as Borough Councillor for Hertsmere and he also represents thousands of Africans, Asians and Caucasians as their leader.

On the success to his election’s victory, Cllr. Amb. Collins added, “I went back to school and earned my Masters of Law degree in International Laws and in return, I gave my services back to the wider community at no cost to themselves.

Deputy Mayor Cllr. Amb. Collins pointed out that the people in the developed world believe in those who have added value to themselves and who are focused on rendering services leading to the development of human resourcefulness.

“It is good being educated and, moreover, better a policy maker which helps to shape and ameliorate the lives of people,” he asserted.

Our media can attest that Cllr. Amb. Collins, proffered his availability for the people of Liberia to serve as their lawmaker in the House of Representatives, given his level of education and skills in 2017.

He and his wife, Rev’d Collins gave schools such as A. M. Fofana, Haywood, Christ the King, Living Water Baptist among others in District 10, ten thousand books, three hundred laptops, 75 recorders and other educational material valued at just over US$75,000 for free to alleviate illiteracy and ameliorate education.

The couple lobbied for the items which were donated by schools, universities, organizations and people of Yorkshire, United Kingdom.

Unfortunately, he explained that many people did not embrace the kind gesture and they said to Cllr. Collins, “You are not serious, is it books and laptops we are going to eat? We want rice.” It is rumored that the people decided and voted for another man who gave them a few cups of rice and US$5 each for their votes to be their representative. It is further rumored that the people sold their birth rights – likened to the biblical story of ‘Jacob and Esau’ for a bowl of lentil soup. Unfortunately, illiteracy is a disease which can only be cured by education and dedication. “An illiterate society can easily be fooled and misled,” Amb. Collins added.

In recent years, social media revealed the achievements of Cllr. Amb Collins. Immediately thereafter, the Liberian people starting questioning, “why is he helping the white people and why is he is not helping us with his education and acquired skills?” According to the sage, “one only misses the shade when the tree has been cut down.” The Holy Bible further states that a prophet is not highly respected in his home town.

Here are some attributes of Cllr. Amb. Collins: Pilot of fixed wing aircrafts, Journalist, Linguist, Lawyer, Politician, Travelled to 71 distinct countries, Liberian Artists Co-ordinator and, he is married.

In 2023 he was re-elected as Town and Borough councilor; elected also as deputy mayor for Elstree and Borehamwood Town Council, representing just under 40,000 people of diverse ethnicities in the U.K.

In 2017, he vied for the House of Representatives seat in District 10, Montserrado County, Liberia and in 2010, he and Rev’d Collins launched the ‘Wedding Dresses’ project in Monrovia which lends free of charge wedding dresses to all Liberians who want to get married, and it is yet ongoing.

2009, studied ‘journalism’ and partially managed the Burngreave radio station. Served also as a talk show host (The People’s ABC Talk Show which interviewed prominent and ordinary folks relating to their careers).

2008, Master of Laws degree in International Laws from the University of East London, United Kingdom.
2008, travelled to Liberia with Rev’d Collins, a doctor and two nurses from the United Kingdom to educate and train Liberian midwives at the Redemption Hospital. Surgical instruments were also given to augment their support in midwifery.

2004, became the first Liberian licensed FIFA Player’s Agent and in 1997, gave a forty-footer container laden with shoes, clothes, medicine, toys and tools along with US$2,000 to Liberians at the Buduburam Refugees camp in the Republic of Ghana. The program was covered by the Graphics and Times newspapers of Ghana.

Over the years, Cllr. Amb. Collins travelled to 71 countries around the world and he is a pilot and he speaks eight international languages.

On a closing note, “when you give a man a bowl of rice, you are giving him rice for a day. When you teach a man how to grow his rice, he shall have rice throughout his life time,” asserted Cllr. Amb. Collins, LLM.
Meanwhile, many Liberians are beginning to hail the Ambassador by saying, “Hooray to this flag bearer of the Republic of Liberia in the diaspora. We are very proud of you Deputy Mayor Councillor Ambassador Alpha Bird Collins, LLM. Well done! You are a teacher who has opened the door, but the citizens and students have to be willing to enter the classroom of wisdom and understanding. Read to lead!”

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