‘Let’s Not Tear Each Other Apart’
..Flag Day Orator Implores
Liberia’s175th Flag Day Orator, Dr. Laurence Konmla Bropleh, has cautioned every citizen to picture oneself as one family in Liberia to do away with all evil or political vices that have tendency to tear us as a nation apart.
“If we allow our political decisions, our religious differences, and other disagreements to continue to pull us apart rather than unite us, the consequences will be a broken society,” the Orator noted.
“If we allow disunity to put us against each other, rather than embrace one another, the consequences would be the lack of development, economic growth, education, quality healthcare, and prosperity for ourselves and our posterity,” Dr. Bropleh stressed.
“All of us, no matter our tribe, our religion, political party, age, education and class, we belong to one nation and we pay allegiance to one Flag, the Red, White and Blue national ensign,” the Orator said.
He reminded Liberians that the true thrust of our one flag is “symbolistic and symbiotic – mutualism, commensalism, understanding that as a national symbol we find a sense of belonging, inextricably tied together in order to meet the foe, with valor unpretending, for what affects Grand Gedeh, affects Grand Bassa; what affects Cape-Mount affects the people of Cape Palmas; what affects Nimba, affects Lofa; what affects River Gee affects Rivercess; what affects Gbarpolu affects Sinoe; what affects Bomi affects Bong; what affects Margibi affects Grand Kru, and what affects all 14 counties, deeply impacts Montserrado County,” he explained.
The Special Envoy of, & Advisor to President George Weah added that “We are in this country together; no one is more Liberian than the other, so when we find ourselves awakened to the dawn of a new day; let us strive to peaceably move our nation forward and not backward, upward and not downward by the things we do and say about our nation and each other.”
“Literally on a daily basis, we pledge allegiance to one Flag and to the nation for which it stands, and we cannot do this just for formality. When we do it, let’s reflect deeply on how far we have come and where we ought to be as Africa’s first independent country. See it as symbolistic and symbiotic, for we must feel positively of each other, not for ourselves, but for our ONE Flag and ONE nation, Liberia.”
“Let’s reflect a bit, putting aside politics, and realize that with unity we can move faster together in the overall interest of our country. And let’s reflect further and charge ourselves with the responsibility to make patriotic and nationalistic contributions through the political and social decisions we make to the promotion of peace and unity for our country,” he asserted.
Stating that “Let there be no iota of ambiguity in the expression of the love we must exhibit for our Flag, for it represents our sense of belonging as a people to our nation Liberia. Let us also handle our Flag with great respect, for when we do that, we will handle Liberians with respect and our Nation as well. We must at all times seek the oneness of our nation.
Also warning, the Orator further that “Let not our quest for political power lead us down meandering roads of destructive engagements which outcomes would be inimical to the survival of the ONE nation our Flag stands for; We can’t afford to reverse the gains we have made since the end of our two civil wars that only brought prolonged sufferings, increased the level of illiteracy, poverty and disease in the society and caused thousands of lives and properties worth millions of dollars to be destroyed, and in some cases, looted and vandalized.”
The speaker said the path to development, national growth and transformation of our country Liberia is irreversible and the path to inclusion of all in the decision – making process of our country, the path to availing our country to friendly partners and other nations and investors for economic and infrastructural growth are irreversible.
Stating further, he said, “The path to unhindered human capital development, the path to freedom of thought, association, speech and religious tolerance, are irreversible paths as well and we must remain on an irreversible path of respecting the rule of law and allowing our justice system to work independently for everyone, regardless of their social or political opinions, connections, alignment, and differences.”
“Today as we celebrate our 175th Flag Day, let’s also remember that the flag represents an idea, and that it is not just a mere piece of cloth that is intended for decoration. Our Flag must be seen as symbolistic and symbiotic; it ties and binds us together,” he noted.
As Liberians, he explained that “Our Flag stands as a Lighthouse, steering and guiding each of us to calm shores where our school-going children will be taught in their civic classes the value of the Flag, how it stands for respect and not disrespect, dignity and not inhumanity, love and not hate, reconciliation and peaceful co-existence as a people, that symbiotic guidance that invigorates us to seek the ‘We consciousness’.
“It is no argument that one of the many ways we can demonstrate true patriotism and loyalty to our country is by showing respect for our Flag. That’s why for me, like many of us here, we take pride in flying the national ensign because we know it is a symbol of patriotism and loyalty to our country,” the Orator explained.
The speaker reminded Liberians at the occasion that in 15 months, Liberia will hold General and Presidential Elections and it is no secret that there will be bitter exchanges of words and not blows during the period of campaigning, and elections will be held, the votes counted and winners announced; all of this while we as a people must be cognizant that we must keep the peace,” he envisaged.
He said, as a people who have chosen a free land as a more ideal place to preserve our own liberty, freedom and happiness, “Our Flag must always remind us of the great sacrifices our forefathers and mothers made to settle here and lay a solid foundation of unity, love, and patriotism that must reign endlessly throughout our land for generations to come.”
Quoting historians, Dr. Bropleh said growing up in Upper Buchanan, part of the former colony, the Bassa Cove, he was taught by his late mother, Joanna Elizabeth Davis Bropleh, a Public School Teacher during his kindergarten years that of the very cardinal things that “We always do is we often invoke allegiance to our country, the Republic of Liberia, each time we salute the Flag and say; “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of Liberia, and to the Republic for which it stands; one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
Flags, including the Flag of the Republic of Liberia, have their origins in ancient history, and today, they are even regarded as superior to many other national emblems.
Some historians have suggested that ancient leaders, towns, ships, merchants, communities, and gods, were symbolized by different flags.
And because of whom or what a particular flag represented, it is said that such a flag gained the same respect as that ruler, community, town, ship or gods, therefore losing a flag in a battle was deemed a severe setback for the rival.
“All of this tells us how significant our Flag is to us as a nation; it is the true representation of a country and its people, regardless of their political, religious, cultural and social diversities.
He mentioned further that the returnees and the indigenous, after uniting and inhabiting this land for over 200 years as one people, and one nation, must not be seen again in this 21st century, tearing each other apart, and fighting against each other in a way that only sets the stage to bring our country down on the basis of our political differences.
“Borrowing from President Barack Obama of the United States of America: “Instigating a bit of contextualized relevance, I am of the deepest conviction that no matter how bitter our politics may be, the Liberian instinct should never be to find isolation in opposite corners, instead it must be to find strength in our common creed, to forge unity from our great diversity, to maintain that strength and unity even when it is hard. And, when the election is over, as a people, keeping our eyes on the Flag symbolistically and symbiotically, we must find ways to come together, to reconnect with one another and with the principles that are more enduring than transitory politics.” The Flag Day Orator concluded.