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LEC Distances Itself From “Hon. Monie R. Captan And Friends” Comments


The Management of the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC), informs the general public that it has no connection whatsoever with the recent September 22, 2023 march carried out by a group of about 15 individuals near its Waterside offices, under the banner “Hon. Monie R. Captan and Friends.”

The Management said the display of its Acting CEO and Board Chairman’s picture and the message attributed to him were not authorized and were done so without the knowledge or approval of Monie Captan.

“LEC makes it officially clear, that its primary goal as an entity of government is to ensure the supply of adequate and affordable electricity to the people of Liberia, and as an autonomous agency of government, the LEC does not engage in or support the organization of marches by private groups or organizations. The LEC strongly discourages gatherings at any of its facilities by the public,” the LEC management asserted.

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