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LCC Terms Legislature’s Decision To Remake LACC Untimely


The Liberia Council of Churches (LCC) says the action by lawmakers to amend the 2008 Act of Legislature granting prosecutorial powers to the LACC is bad news for Liberia and “bad ’26 for Liberians.”
In its statement released on the holiday, the LCC said the decision terribly undermines the fight against waste, fraud and abuse which the commission is established to confront and enable the country promote transparency and accountability, amongst others.
“Whatever the differences or persuasion may have been, the lawmakers’ action is untimely, bad news and it undermines the very practice of good governance that we are striving to achieve,” the statement under the signature of its immediate past president, Rev. Dr. Kortu K. Brown said.
Rev. Brown said, “As a I stakeholder and religious leader, I personally support a Supreme court interpretation of this resolution of the Legislature because the integrity of the lawmaking process is at stake. How can you remake a Commission like the LACC with staff who hold tenured positions without any reference to them? What’s the motive?”
He then said as Liberians commemorate the 175th Independence Anniversary of the country, all Liberians should pull together, overcome their differences and work for greater unity in the country noting, “Every Liberian has a responsibility towards this. Without a united country, the kind of growth and development we aspire for will continue to certainly elude us as a nation and a people.”
“As we march towards to the end of 2022 and preparations for 2023 Presidential and Legislative elections, we call for a national dialogue to sustain peace, security, and reconciliation. It is a table that must bring all actors on board including political leaders from both the ruling and opposition parties, religious leaders, civil society, etc. This is the time to dialogue! It is the time to engage! It is time to come together to sustain the hard-won peace,” the statement concluded.

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