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LBDI Request for Proposal


The Board of Directors of the Liberian Bank for Development & Investment (LBDI) is requesting proposals from experienced executive search firms/recruitment agencies to perform recruitment services (hereafter “work”) related to the hiring of a Chief Executive Officer(CEO)/President.

Scope of work:

The firm to be selected to do the work will perform the following duties:

  • Develop a search strategy based on criteria established by LBDI’s Board of Directors;
  • Assess the suitability of candidates;
  • Comprehensively verify the academic qualification(s) and work experience of candidates;
  • Submit a comprehensive report to LBDI’s Board of Directors, short listing five suitable candidates and attaching all relevant documents, including but not limited to, credentials (academic or educational/occupational qualification), criminal checks, as well as responses from referees; and
  • Perform any and all other tasks the Board of Directors may require until the appointment of a CEO/President is made.

Selection Criteria:

The firm to be selected to do the work must satisfy the following:

  • Must have been in existence for five (5) consecutive years, which shall be supported with constituent documents (Articles of Incorporation or its equivalent, business registration certificate, etc.);  
  • Must have experience in performing recruitment services for reputable institutions, which shall be backed with a listing and contact details of said institutions; and
  • Must have proof of tax compliance with the Liberia Revenue Authority.

How to apply  

Interested firms must submit:

  • A cover letter addressed to LBDI’s Board expressing interest in the work;
  • High-level work plan proposing timeline and benchmarks of the recruitment process, including associated costs;
  • A corporate resume detailing past experiences;
  • Listing of roles and responsibilities of firm employees who will perform the work;
  • Curricula Vitae of all Principal Officers who will manage the work; and
  • Three letters of recommendation.

Proposals must be submitted via soft and hard copies to Cllr. Regina T. Elliott, Corporate Secretary/LBDI on or before the 12th day of January A.D. 2023. Email Address: [email protected]

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