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Lack Of Prosecutorial Fund Hinders Our Work” -Cape Mount County Attorney


It seems as if the Government of Liberia through the Ministry Justice is giving deaf ears to the Judiciary’s cries because it is the fourth term that the state lawyers have been pleading cases from their meager salaries.
Attorney Nyonkpao Daye revealed that he is tired with such lackadaisical behavior on the part of the government and boldly emphasized that the lack of prosecutorial fund is seriously hindering their efficiency.
County attorney Daye made the disclosure recently in Grand Cape Mount County, when he responded to the judge’s charge delivered by Judge Ousman Feika at the formal opening of the November 2024 term of court.
In spite of their many cries and appeals to the government, the Justice Ministry continues to pay no heed the County Attorney Daye told judicial actors as well as party litigants at the opening of the court when he said, “Imagine, the police does not have vehicles in Grand Cape County to transport an accused person to court but rather those accused are transported on motorbikes to court due to the failure of the government to provide vehicle to the police in the county.”
County Attorney Daye then appealed to the Legislature to put back the funds for prosecution that was removed from the national budget.
“The removal of the prosecution’s fund from the national budget has put us against the wall and even more strenuous in fairly performing our duties” Attorney Daye alarmed streaming, “No logistics, no prosecution fund, no stationary and how do we perform our duties in these conditions; yet the Legislature and Executive want the rule of law to be adhered to.”
“Prosecution is in dire need of support of prosecutorial fund in order to have a fair and impartial trial” Attorney Daye stated, adding that rule of law is one of the Rescue Mission’s agenda which should be upheld critically.
“Indictments are usually typed to commercial computer shops when it should be a secret thing,” County Attorney Daye complained.
He urged magistrates to make use to pre-bargaining law in order to decongest the prison.

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