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LACC Begins Publication Of Exiting Gov’t Appointees’ Assets Declaration Listing


The Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) says it has begun publishing the listing of appointed exiting government officials as required under Section 10.1 of Liberia’s 2014 Code of Conduct to declare Assets and Personal interest.
Section 5.2 (o) of the amended and restated LACC Act of 2022 enshrines the responsibility of the LACC in executing Liberia’s Asset Declaration and Verification Regime.
The LACC Act defines the function of Liberia’s Anticorruption body for asset declaration as:
“To institute and operate the assets declaration and verification regimes of the Government of Liberia, pursuant to the Code of Conduct Act of 2014”.
Section 5.2 (o)(vi) further provides that the LACC recommends to the Legislature for enactment into law sanction(s) for breach of the Asset Declaration Guidelines.
With the approval of the Legislature, the LACC said it will collaborate with the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, Liberia Revenue Authority, Public Procurement and Concession Commission, Liberia Business Registry, National Identity Registry, and other government service providers, to impose the following sanctions, including the withholding of compensation, salaries and other bonuses, the refusal or denial of government services, such as business registration, tax clearance, passport renewal, national ID card renewal, among other government provided services, as well as no appointment to government positions, on non-compliant officials.
The LACC said it is encouraging all public officials, including exiting officials who have not yet declared their assets, to immediately proceed to declare.
According to a press release, the LACC promised that it will continue to revise and publish updated listings weekly on its official website, as well as in the print and electronic media.
The release said that as an ongoing exercise, the listing of exiting government officials, both compliant and non-compliant, will be updated weekly until the entire exit declaration process is concluded.

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