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Labor Inspection Enforcement Set For 6 Counties


The Ministry of Labor in collaboration with the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA), will conduct a Labor Inspection enforcement exercise in six counties.
The counties include; Nimba, Grand Cape Mount, Grand Bassa, Bong, Bomi, and Margibi.
The purpose of this inspection exercise is to ensure compliance with the Labour Law of Liberia through the issuance of digitized Alien Work Permits to non-Liberians working in both formal and informal sectors.
All non-Liberians holding Liberia Alien Work Permits must show a valid LRA Tax Payment Receipt for verification during the exercise while employers and businesses with foreign nationals in Liberia are urged to comply fully with the country’s law enforced by Ministry of Labor and the LRA.
ECOWAS citizens working in the informal sector of Liberia must obtain an ECOWAS Work Permit, renewable annually.
The Labor Inspection enforcement exercise will cover various areas including Labor Statistics, Workplace Conditions, Occupational Safety and Health, Entities’ Employee Policies, and Labor Relations.
The inspection is divided into two teams comprising of staff from the Ministry of Labor and Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA).
Team one is Grand Cape Mount, Bomi, Lower Margibi and Bassa Counties and headed by Labor Ministry Inspector General, Charles Brown while Team two is Nimba, Bong and Upper Margibi Counties to be led by Mr. Darius K. Weamie Dept. inspector General.

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