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Justice, Partners Consult On ADR Draft Act


The Technical Working Group (TWG) has ended a one-day consultation on the draft Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Act to enhance access to justice across Liberia.
With the support from the Carter Center, the ADR process shall be managed by the National Disputes Resolution Authority (NADRA) initiated by Ministry of Justice (MoJ).
The ADR process, among other things, will help reduce the many disputes under both the customary and traditional practices as well as ensure that the marginalized and disadvantaged population of Liberia speedily resolves disputes.
At the closed of the day-long interactive ADR process, participants had in-depth understanding of the endorsed National ADR policy and the current status of the proposed ADR legislation, among others.
Delivering a special statement on behalf of Justice Minister, Massa Jallibah, stressed the importance of the Act; something she believes will have great impact on the Justice sector of the country.
She stated that Minister Frank Musa Dean is excited for the ADR process because it is a product of the government’s Pro-poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD) especially “Pillar II” which focuses on sustaining the peace, security and the rule of Law in Liberia.
She added that the ADR process when finalized will aid in decreasing pre-trial detainees as well as reduce the case load on the courts’ docket, while at the same reassured the Ministry’s commitment in ensuring that customary justice is dispensed consistent with Liberian values.
Earlier, the Carter Center Senior Legal Associate, Cora Hare Konuwa, bragged that the ADR process when completed will be a real deal for Liberia on grounds that it will help Liberians to access justice easily, speedily and hopefully with minimum cost comparatively.
She added that the Carter Center is a testimony to its involvement in ensuring access to justice in Liberia and that the entity was glad to be a part and sponsor of the initiative. She then vowed that the Center will continue its support for the process as much as possible.
The Chief Technical Authority of the UNDP, Rowland Cole, lauded the Ministry of Justice and the Carter Center for the initiative and pledged the UNDP’s fullest support in ensuring the actualization of the ADR Act.

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