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Israeli Embassy Partners With Liberian
NGO To Give Single Mothers Skills


Israeli Ambassador accredited to Liberia, Ghana and Sierra Leone, Shlomit Sufa, has announced Israel’s commitment to supporting Liberian women and girls in line with the government’s Pro-poor Agenda for Peace and Prosperity including women’s economic independence and empowerment.
The Ambassador encouraged women, especially single mothers, to brace themselves for life-changing challenges and to stay focused in achieving their goals for growth and development.
Speaking on Thursday at the official graduation ceremony of single mothers’ livelihood skills development and empowerment in Gardnerdville, Ambassador Sufa disclosed that the Israeli government will implement more programs in Liberia for empowerment of women and girls.
“As a female diplomat and mother, myself, I consider the decision to support Women as very natural and as an understandable decision. I don’t think it created difficulties because supporting these women for empowerment and economic independence is important to me and the government of Israel”, Ambassador Sufa indicated.
The single mothers’ livelihood program is a two-year initiative with support from the state of Israel through its Embassy near Monrovia. The Embassy provided several sewing machines and hairdressing materials to over 26 single mothers for completing the skills training program.
However, the initiative is the brainchild of an advocacy group, identified as “Care for Liberia’s Population”. “Care for Liberia’s Population” is also a non-governmental organization with focus on providing livelihood for underprivileged citizens across Liberia through skills training programs and other assistance.
The Israeli Diplomat reminded the graduates that for them to achieve their livelihood goals, they must remain focused on their set goals at all time.
Speaking earlier at the occasion, the program officer of the British Embassy accredited near Monrovia, Mrs. Robertta Rose indicated that the livelihood skills acquired by the single mothers will enable them to improve their lives and contribute to Liberia’s economic development.
“A lot will be expected of you as you go out there. Your family will be expecting you to make the difference, the society will expect you to be agents of positive change,” the British Embassy official told the female graduates.
In brief remarks, the president of the Liberia Marketing Association (LMA), Elizabeth Sambolah showered praises on the single mothers for their bold step- taken to acquire livelihood skills.
The Israeli Ambassador is currently in Monrovia to hold bilateral discussion with top Liberian government officials bordering on the possibility of getting up Liberia Trade Mission in Jerusalem, Israel, among others.
Ambassador Sufa is a seasoned diplomat with reservoir of experience after serving successfully in Canada, Switzerland and Ethiopia.
Prior to her appointment as an Ambassador, she was a participant in the prestigious National Security Program of the Israeli National Defense College.
From September 2019 to August 2020, she served as Minister-Counselor, Southeast Asian Department in the Asian and Pacific Division of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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