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Irish Ambassador Recognizes AFELL’s Work


The President of Association of Female Lawyers of Liberia (AFELL), Philomena Williams, was honored by the visit of the Ambassador of Ireland to Liberia, Gerald Considine and his team at their offices in Monrovia.
On October 31, 2024, the Ambassador highlighted that his visit was one based on AFELL’s works in Liberia.
At the meeting, AFELL’s leadership reintegrated her mission in promoting, protecting and advancing the rights of women, children, and indigents persons in Liberia and emphasized her advocacy on Human Rights Violation, Sexual and Gender Based Violence, Human Trafficking, Harmful Traditional Practices, Discrimination, Gender Sensitive Laws Reform and Women Political Participation.
AFELL informed the Ambassador that with the support of partners, some major achievements were made, including the establishing of the Juvenile Court, the passage of the inheritance law, the amendment of the New Penal Law of Liberia on the definition of rape, the establishment of Criminal Court E and the setting up of the SGBV unit of the Ministry of Justice.
AFELL further outlined to the Ambassador and his team the challenges in effectively executing its mission and requested from the Ambassador support to her programs.
The Ambassador stressed the importance of strengthening collaboration with AFELL in the execution of its programs and highlighted among others, advancing cooperation in human rights, gender equality, accountability, women political participation, health, climate change, and fellowship.
The Ambassador in climaxing the meeting pledged his team’s financial support in response to a request made by AFELL in support of a planned War and Economic Crimes (WECC) program organized by Transitional Justice Groups – Civil Society Organizations.
AFELL’s President Williams expressed her organization’s highest appreciation to the Ambassador and his government for the support to AFELL over the years, including the granting of scholarships to AFELL’s members.
The meeting was held with AFELL’s leadership, the President and Vice President, Atty. Philomena T. Williams and Cllr. Bowoulo Kelly, backed by the Chair and Co-Chair of the Board of Directors, Cllr. Rosemarie James and Cllr. Felicia Coleman.

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