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Int’l Partners Commend LISGIS’ Report …As Liberia’s Population Stands At 5.2M


Government has released the estimated results of the 2022 National Population and Housing Census (NPHC) putting Liberia’s population at 5,248, 621 which international partners commended collectively.
In separate but as if in one accord, the international partners or donors commended the exercise which according to them informs policy-makers or state actors in the planning of the country’s developmental agenda.
On Wednesday, February 22, 2023, the Director General of the Liberia Institute for Statistics and Geo-Information Services (LISGIS) Lawrence George, said this is the first digital census to ever be conducted perhaps in the West Africa.
He said despite all of the hurdles that associated with the project from the onset, it Is a milestone achievement for the country and its people and shall be used by government for development planning and other programming.
Also, reading the provisional statistics or results of the census was the Assistant Minister of Health for Vital Statistics, Chea Stanford Wesseh.
He stated that the population distribution by county are as follows: Montserrado 1.920, 914; Nimba 623, 941; Bong 467, 502; Margibi 504, 946; Grand Bassa 293, 557 and Lofa 362, 376.
Others are Grand Gedeh 236, 692; Grand Cape Mount 170, 796; Maryland 172, 202; Sinoe 150, 398; Rivergee 174, 653; Grand Kru 109, 342; Gbarpolu 96, 995 and Rivercess 90, 727.
He said, among many things, that the pre-census activities for the 5th NPHC such as planning, mapping, pre-tests and pilot census commenced in 2018 until 2022.
Wesseh stated that the cascade training for 120 master trainers, 593 training of trainers, 13, 835 enumerators and 2, 727 supervisors took place from July to November, 2022.
‘Census instruments (questionnaires, tablets, maps) and ancillary materials were procured from both local and international sources. International Technical Assistance for the 5th census was provided through the United Nations Technical led agency of the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) whilst the international donors provided financial support’,’ he noted.
Wesseh pointed out that the actual census enumeration commenced on 14 November until 18 December, 2022 whilst mopping-up operations lasted until January 7, 2023.
‘The 5th Liberia’ national Population and Housing Census is the first digital census to be conducted in the country. Operational and logistical challenges were encountered while conducting the census enumeration nationwide which is normal for a large-scale project such as the census,’ the consultant stated.
Wesseh believes the census thematic reports and final results be published by the end of May, 2023 stating that the census was conducted in accordance with the United Nations technical recommendations for the 2020 round of census.
The 5th census matched both regional and international standards, credible and the census results have statistically verifiable foot-prints.
About post enumeration survey (PES), the statistics house said it will be conducted within 3 months to evaluate the coverage and content.
The census field personnel 13, 835, enumerators were deployed; 34 enumerators deployed for institutional enumeration; 2, 727 supervisors; 160 districts census officers and 15 county census coordinators.
In a short comment during the pronouncement, Vice President, Jewel Howard-Taylor on behalf of the government paid tribute to the international partners and donors for their support by standing by Liberia during such a difficult time.
She said despite the hurdles from the onset that engulfed the exercise both local and international partners stood together thereby making it workable to have achieved such a remarkable result which shall be used by the government for its developmental drive.
In separate but as if in one accord, the international partners or donors commended the exercise which informed policy-makers or state actors in the planning of the country’s developmental agenda.
International partners or donors who spoke were the European Union, the United Nations Resident Coordinator, the Swedish and Ireland Embassies as well as the World Bank.
Others were Ghana, the Liberia Council of Churches, Federation of Liberian Youth, Civil Society Network of Liberia, National Traditional Council of Liberia, National Imam Council of Liberia, Coalition of Political Parties Women of Liberia, Finance and Development Planning Minister, Samuel Tweah, and Representative Frank Saah Foko, Co-chair, House Committee on Good Governance of the House of Representatives.

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