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Internal Affairs Minister Encourages Citizens To Fully Participate In Census


By Precious D. Freeman
The Minister of the Internal Affairs, Varney Sirleaf is encouraging all citizens to fully participate in the ongoing National Housing and Population Census.

Speaking at a press conference in Monrovia over the weekend, Minister Sirleaf said that he strongly believes that the success of the National Census cannot be left with the government and partners alone, but it requires the collective efforts of everyone.

According to him, in this light and for a successful conduct of the census, he is encouraging all citizens and residents to cooperate with the census teams in the various communities.

“As Minister of Internal Affairs, I wish to use this medium to call on County Superintendents, Assistant Superintendents, County Inspectors, Commissioners, City Mayors, Community Chair Persons, Zonal Heads, Paramount Chiefs, Clan and General Town Chiefs and Traditional Leaders throughout the Republic of Liberia to be receptive to the census workers,” he pleaded.

He added that he is also pleading with women and youth leaders, civil society and other stakeholders to work with the census teams as they visit their homes.

Minister Sirleaf emphasized that he wishes to urge all religious leaders (pastors and imams) to include the message of the census in their sermons to the various congregations, and the need for everyone to be counted.

“To political actors (Leaders and followers), I am sincerely encouraging you to join this collective efforts in the interest of Liberia,” he urged.

Internal Affairs Minister maintained that for residents in the urban communities whose homes are fenced, he wishes to beg them to kindly allow the census workers to access their compounds for the enumeration.

He stated that the National and Population Census is an important exercise for all of the country and that it helps for the development and the overall planning for administrative, fiscal and political future of Liberia.

“The census is not meant to be used by government alone but also our development partners, and remember that the census is for the next 10 years, therefore it will be difficult for Liberia if we do not cooperate with the census workers because the world will not have any information about our population,” he said.

He continued that the success of this census is a success for everyone as a nation and people, adding that the government and partners are exerting all possible efforts to address the challenges and ensure a successful National Housing and Population Census for Liberia.

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