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Integrity Watch Liberia, USAID-LEAD Launch Advocacy Improving Budget In Bong


By Stephen N. Tokpah
-Bong (freelance)
Integrity Watch Liberia (IWL), with support from USAID Local Empowerment for Accountability and Decentralization Activity (LEAD), has launched an advocacy and transparency project in Gbarnga, Bong County.
The project, titled, “Enhancing Civil Society Organizations Advocacy Improving Budget Transparency at National and Local Levels,” seeks to make CSOs play active roles in advancing transparency and accountability in the society.
IWL is a Civil Society Organization that is working to promote inclusive development and a democratic form of governance where there is gender equity and respect for the rule of law and accountability.
Speaking at the launching ceremony on November 25, 2024, Mohammed Swaray, Technical Advisor for USAID Liberia Local Empowerment for Accountability and Decentralization (LEAD) Activity said the initiative aims to improve the capacities of targeted ministries, agencies, and commissions (MACs), and local government to formulate and administer sound tax policies, improve budget transparency, deepen decentralization, and deliver much-needed quality services at the sub-national level.
He emphasized that the USAID LEAD has three objectives, which include improved Domestic Resource Mobilization (DRM), Budget Transparency Improved, which comprises three sub-objectives, and Local Development and Service Delivery Improved.
Mr. Swaray said objective two of the USAID LEAD aims to strengthen Liberia’s budget and financial reporting systems, recognizing that improved fiscal transparency is key to boosting revenue.
Through an integrated governance systems approach, the “Activity” utilizes existing systems and past investments to enhance the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning and related entities’ abilities to present budget information in easier-to-understand formats.
This effort builds on a previous project, supporting participatory approaches in budgeting.
Additionally, objective two empowers Civil Society Organizations and media to distribute budgetary information effectively, engage in budget processes, and ensure accountability in expenditure.
However, an active civil society and professional media that provide effective oversight of government financial management and ensure proper use of revenues is critical to the process of proposed interventions.
The USAID LEAD is a 17 million project that will be implemented in three of Liberia’s fifteen counties, Bong, Grand Bassa, and Nimba Counties.
Mr. Harold M. Aidoo, Integrity Watch Liberia’s Executive Director and implementing partner of the USAID LEAD project for Enhancing Civil Society Organizations Advocacy in Improving Budget Transparency at the National and Local Levels, said the project will increase the CSO’s CBOs and media practitioners’ understanding on the fight against corruption.
He attributed the backwardness of Liberia’s development to corruption, adding that it is saddening for a country that has enough natural resources but its citizens go to bed hungry.
Mr. Aidoo revealed that Liberia is currently among the world’s ten poorest countries, something described as unfortunate for the oldest West African Country.
Officially performing the project launch, Bong County Administrative Officer, Sam B. Elliott, lauded USAID LEAD and Integrity Watch Liberia for the initiative.
He, at the same time, encouraged Civil Society Organizations in the County to take advantage of the project, adding that the USAID LEAD project will help strengthen their understanding of the fight for budget transparency.
He further pledged Superintendent Hawa Loleyah Norris’s commitment to working with the entities in Bong County for the overall betterment of the county.

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