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Independence Day Orator Challenges Talk-show Hosts


The Orator of the 175th National Independence Day Celebration, Minister Mawine G. Diggs, is claiming that criticisms of some talk show heroes who are constantly disguised in self-dignified arrogance, is another of hate for the country.
Speaking on the theme, ‘Fostering Unity, Protecting Our Peace for Development and Prosperity,’ Madam Diggs stated further that 175 years of independence and 200 years of existence requires a different level of boldness and pointed out, “So let me take a moment to address our self-proclaimed social media and talk show heroes who are constantly disguised in self-dignified arrogance.”
‘’Understand that your criticisms without the proffering of solutions or actions is just another level of hate. So as you use your individual platforms to point out the ills of our Liberian society, I challenge you to demonstrate your love for country by not just words but also actions that make a difference in the lives of everyday Liberians,’’ Madam Diggs expressed.
‘’For the country’s image you so easily tarnish today is the same country you desire to lead tomorrow. So for the sake of love for nation as proclaimed, let us unite in the midst of our differences and move Liberia forward so that if you are ever given an opportunity to lead, you will inherit a wholesome nation. Not one divided based on personal interest or political ambition,’’ she added.
Adding, “It is with this charge that I feel an obligation to address how we as individual citizens portray our nation to the outside world. What we say matters but most importantly, what we do is what will ultimately make the difference.”
Minister Diggs maintained, “It is quite simple to sit behind a computer or better yet call into a radio or online show to spew negatives about Liberia. But let me tell you this today, such actions do not demonstrate strength, courage or love for nation, Quite the contrary, it demonstrates weakness, arrogance and lack of patriotism in the face of opportunities to engage and make an impact in your country.”
‘’Today is about Fostering Unity, protecting our Peace for Development and Prosperity and as the good book reminds us, there is a time for everything under the heavens so we as a people must learn to be patriotic even while waiting for our time. Patriotism is defined as “the feeling of love, devotion, and sense of attachment to one’s country,” she continued.
The Minister of Commerce expressed, “They say home is where the heart is. This is indeed the Land of Return for all Liberians: Once a Liberian; Always a Liberian. No law should have to separate brothers from brothers. We all have a stake in whatever direction this country takes and it is therefore our collective responsibility to ensure Liberia regains its rightful place amongst the comity of nations.”

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