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IB Manager Files Divorce


By Grace Q. Bryant
The CEO of International Bank (IB), Henry Saamoi, has filed a petition at the Civil Law Court to end his nine-year-old marriage with Madam Vivian Joe-Saamoi in the Brwerville Community.
The plaintiff filed a six-count action of divorce for incompatibility of temper as well as cruel and inhumane treatment saying that he and his wife were joined together in holy marriage on December 6, 2015, thereby living together in peace, harmony, happiness and caring for one another and was blessed with children.
According to the petitioner petition, the defendant in violation of her marital vow; to love and care for him, became very disrespectful by using inventive and insulting words such as stupid, foolish, irresponsible, and useless in the presence of the maid and children.
The petitioner explained that the defendant has also been violent by engaging in fist fight with him and on two of those occasions, the defendant also threatened and vowed to break bottles on his head.
Petitioner added that several interventions were made by the pastor of defendant, family and friends aimed at having her desist from her disrespectful attitude but to no avail.
In resistance, the defendant said she is the wife of petitioner Saamoi and consistent with her marital vows including caring for her family, has performed all her marital duties as anticipated and required of a wife.
That as to count two of plaintiff’s complain, the defendant said are false, misleading, and self-serving because since their union, she has always kept her vows as a wife and at no point in time has she ever disrespected her husband. On the contrary, it is the plaintiff who has abandoned his marital vows and become very irresponsible and constantly engaged in extramarital affairs to the extend he became very brutal, cruel and use insulting words against her whenever she confronts him about his abusive, uncaring, and unloving attitudes.
According the defendant, count three of the plaintiff’s complaint, is laughable, untrue and also self-serving in that, assuming without admitting, and therefore defendant engaged in said acts same would have been reported to police and a police report would have been proffered as evidence to support the assertions.
The defendant said the absence of any police report or medical records to support the allegation clearly shows a high degree of dishonesty on the part of the plaintiff and same is only intended to mislead the court.
The defendant also said she wonders how she will constantly engage in fist fight with the plaintiff who is more than six feet tall and weigh more than 200 pounds.
The defendant contended it is the plaintiff who had been very violent, cruel, inhumane, insulting and disrespectful to the extent that he has on several occasions beaten on her whenever he is confronted about his activities with other women and also his don’t care attitude towards his family.
The defendant gives notice to court that during the trial, she will provide evidence to substantiate the assertions herein contained and pictures showing bodily injury, specifically, on her face inflicted by the plaintiff when she confronted him on one occasion about his extramarital affairs and several text messages between him and his several extramarital affairs he is currently engaged with to form a cogent part.

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