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House Summons Gender, LNP

Precious D. Freeman
The House of Representatives has summoned authorities of the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection and the Liberia National Police (LNP), to ascertain reasons why they have not taken action to curtail street selling by children in the country.
Plenary’s decision was reached on Thursday following a communication from Bong County District 6 Representative, Moima Briggs-Mensah.
Representative Briggs-Mensah said while the Legislature strives to curtail the menace, the number of violations against children’s rights in Liberia have rapidly increased with specific interest in the number of children involved in street selling.
According to the lawmaker, seeing the children selling in the street is sad and it is only important that authorities of institutions be invited to ascertain reasons so that legislative actions are taken during the budgetary period to curtailing these circumstances.
He added that few years ago, he wrote the august body alarming the increase in child prostitution and when the Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection was called, she blamed it on low budgetary allocation and now there is another increase of violation against the children.
“Few months ago, we commemorated the 16th days of Activism in the country; thereby alarming all harmful practices and violations against women and children and were findings means to eradicate these challenges but it is not working,” she said.
“It is my fervent hope that plenary takes prompt action on this issue as it is important to protect the future leaders of our beloved state” Representative Briggs-Mensah furthered.
Meanwhile, both authorities of the Gender Ministry and Liberia National Police are expected to appear before the House on Thursday.

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