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Hearts, Dekahgai Conducts Training For Farmers


Tender Hearts International and DEKAHGAi Multipurpose Cooperative recently conducted training for Liberian cocoa and vegetable farmers on Covid19 prevention and soil management
Others were pest control, capacity management, and land rights issues in Koon Town, upper Montserrado County. The training brought together over 50 farmers from across Todee Statutory District in Electoral District #1.
During the training, Prince Moore, Chief Executive Officer of Tender Hearts International told the participants that farmers in rural Montserrado County need more training in agricultural activities.
He said agriculture is the life of every country globally, therefore the sector needs more support to enable farmers produce products for the market for consumption, adding “eat what you grow.”
Moore narrated how he was trained by the Europe and AfricaCarribbean Pacific Liaison Committee. Also, Montserrado County’s Superintendent David Johnson, Nathaniel Sackie and John Sefee described the training as a stepping stone of growing cocoa and vegetables to improve the livelihood of the locals in the district.
In short comments, David Johnson, Chief Executive Officer of DEKAHGAi Multipurpose Farming Cooperative expressed that gender inclusive farming established the land-use arrangement scheme that achieves the goal of small holder farmers’ inclusiveness by allotting a plot of land.

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