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Health Workers Union Auxiliaries Want Members Call-Off Strike Action


Three institutional members of the National Health Workers Union of Liberia (NAHWUL) have distance itself from the pending go-slow strike action in Southeastern Liberia.

Those distancing from the action were the Liberia National Physician Assistants Association (LINPAA), the president of the Liberia Nurses Association, (LNA) and the Liberia Association of Medical Laboratory Technologists, (LAMLT).

They members through their respective presidents called on other members in that part of Liberia to abort the planned go-slow strike action against the Government of Liberia as negotiations with government is currently ongoing.

Liberia National Physician Assistants Association, Liberia Nurses Association and Liberia Association of Medical Laboratory Technologists are the members’ institutions of NAHWUL that have distanced themselves from the planned go-slow strike action.

It can be recalled that last week, a group under the banner ‘the Southeastern Health workers Network of Liberia’ called on all health workers across the five southeastern counties including Maryland, Sinoe, River Gee, Grand Gedeh and Grand Kru to stay home as of July 20, 2023 beginning 12am due to the failure of the Government to address their plights.

The group named their plights as salaries disparities, the inclusion of volunteer health workers, and constant deduction of salaries, low salaries motivational package for hard-to-reach counties in the (Southeast) and the replacement of pensioned health workers.

“SAAR Insurance Company should no longer be accepted for the general health workers population in the Southeast due to its insignificance, because, about 90 percent of health workers are in the Southeast,” the group asserts.

Other claim by the health workers also include: the failure of the Government to replace ghost’s names identified during the independent verification process conducted by the leadership of the southeastern health workers network among others.

However, the three associations heads are urging their co-workers to avoid staging a strike-action and remain at work while other modalities are being worked on to settle their grievances.

The group admonished their members that why all of their plights are genuine, but staying away from work will not be prudent to the other party (GoL) while negotiations are ongoing.

 Therefore, they are calling on their colleagues to reconsider their decision to remain at work and count on their respective leaders for redress in the soonest possible time.

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