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Haywood Observes Kindergarten Appreciation Day


The directress of the Christian Education and Early Childhood Development at the Haywood Mission Institute Kindergarten says education is the foundation of every child learning process the world over.Dr. Myra E. Simpson made the statement during the appreciation day when 17 pupils received certificates of achievement following successful completion of studies of the kindergarten level of the school.
Directress Simpson thanked parents, teachers and the school administration by standing with the kids in their educational sojourn and called on them to do more and recounted the difficult years when she started the program with scarce instructional materials.
In retrospect, she said that the early childhood program started in a zinc structure with an overwhelming demand and thanked God that the program is ongoing. She also thanked her daughter who came on board in the process to make it even better along with her instructional staff.
In the wake of the Covid-19 situation which disrupted learning process nation-wide, she expressed thanks to God that the situation has improved and that the kids were back in school to complete their studies leading to another stage of their educational quest.
Dr. Simpson said, “ When parents struggled with their children, money and time, at the end of the day, they want to have a milestone celebration to remember.”
Earlier, the Principal / Administrator of the Haywood Mission Institute, Bishop, Dr. Leo M. Simpson said the institution has gowned students who are potential citizens and are contributing to the nation building process of Liberia.
Bishop Simpson described the kindergarten program at the Haywood Mission Institute as one of the best, if not the best of learning in the country and thanked Directress Simpson for her hard work, dedication and patience over the years to educate the Liberian children.
Bishop Simpson said he regrets the unceremonious manner this year’s program was held as the result of the Covid-19 outbreak in the country and the world at-large and hoped that parents will understand the situation.
The Principal/ Administrator of the Institution reminded the gathering that Liberia, Africa and the world are in crisis and that all should follow the health protocols put in place by the World Health Organization (WHO) to save lives.

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