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Gov’t Terminates Supplementary Contracts …Begins Staff Payment Process


Presidential Press Secretary Kula Fofana has disclosed that the Ministry of State has begun the process of paying employees on its supplementary payroll.
Madam Fofana however clarified that not all of the 700 employees who were on the supplementary payroll listing will be paid; on grounds that, some names were discovered as ghosts while others were involved in ‘double dipping.’
She also disclosed that those targeted individuals are currently being paid at the Samuel Kanyon Doe Sports Complex in Paynesville, thus pointing out that since the commencement of the process, the exercise is so far going on smoothly.
However, the disclosure comes after several supplementary employees of the Executive Mansion were left in a state of dilemma and uncertainty after receiving information that their contracts were being terminated.
The information was given to the employees by Deputy Minister of State for Administration, Cornelia Kruah-Togba, during a called meeting in which she informed the employees that the government is unable to renew their contract due to financial challenges.
The supplementary employees, according to information, were hired on a temporary basis by former President George Weah to assist with various tasks within the Executive Mansion and were hopeful that former President Weah would have won the recently held election to enable them get civil servant status, but it did not go as planned.
Our reporter said the outrage started after a meeting was called by Deputy Minister Kruah-Togba at the Mansion at which the Minister informed told the employees saying, “I am pleased to inform you all that the government is unable to renew your contracts.” Addressing the Executive Mansion press briefingon Monday, Fofana further revealed that the process is also being coordinated and supervised as well as monitored by the Ministry of Finance Internal Auditors along with the Civil Service Agency (CSA) including other relevant actors.
She maintained, “Some of them who have so far received their payments are very happy and in fact, some of them have received shockingly more than what they used to receive over the period or during the past regime.”
According to her, all those on the supplementary payroll will be removed following the entire payment process on grounds that their respective contracts have expired, disclosing that the payments are captured from January of 2024 to April 2024 respectively.
When asked if said individuals can have the opportunity for re-employment, the Presidential Press Secretary said as for now, there is no plan in the making but if the need be in the future, they will have the public duly informed.
She further explained that the process is, among other things, meant to have an effective and efficient staff at the Ministry to ensure maximum productivity as well as to avoid wasteful spending especially for those who are not working but are benefiting from the government.

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