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Gov’t, Public Works Kick Off Roads Accessibility Project


By Laurina B. Lormia
The Government of Liberia is ramping up efforts to ensure major road corridors remain open despite the challenges posed by this year’s torrential rains.
In a move to tackle ongoing road maintenance challenges, the Ministry of Public Works (MPW), is employing advanced methods and heightened supervision to maintain the accessibility of key routes across the country.
On Tuesday , November 19, an inspection team headed by Deputy Minister for Technical Services Prince Tambah visited the Gbarnga to Voinjama Corridor in Lofa County.
This inspection is part of the Ministry’s broader initiative to monitor routine maintenance works in 13 of Liberia’s 15 counties.
These counties are undergoing periodic maintenance to prevent roads from falling into disrepair and to ensure continuous movement of people and goods.
In the northern region, Deputy Minister Tambah focused on the Salayea to Voinjama Corridor, which is currently being maintained by the Chinese construction company CHICO, to ensure the work is progressing as planned and that quality standards are being upheld.
The Ministry emphasized its commitment to identifying and addressing critical sections of roads across the country.
This process involves the application of enhanced methodologies and supervision to detect potential issues before they cause significant disruptions.
Meanwhile, the Minister of Public Works, Roland Layette Giddings, who is leading another inspection team in Nimba and several southeastern counties, commended the work being done to keep Liberia’s road network functional.
With the rainy season making travel particularly difficult, the government is keen on making sure these efforts are prioritized to protect the economy and citizens’ mobility.

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