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Gov’t Must Pay Attention To Land Issues


THERE ARE CONTINUOUS reports linking past and present officials of government to selling of public land which is causing confusion amongst individuals as well as communities and is becoming a recipe for another chaos nationwide.
RECENTLY REPORTS OF increase in public land sale are emerging from the Sanniquellie area where City Mayor Moima Kamara is being accused by some locals that since her appointment the sale of public land is on the rise.
THE RESIDENTS NAMED areas in the Military Old Barrack, the Airfield and the Lake Teleh Communities which need to be investigated by the government thereby bringing to book including the city mayor to justice.
THE CHIEF ELDERS and some prominent residents of Sanniquellie frowned at the manner and form these lands are being sold with Mayor Kamara who was appointed in 2018 being the center of the deal.
GLOBALLY, LAND AND water are life naturally created by God but the ownership and sale of said commodity when it is not yours whether it is between individuals, communities and countries is a lifetime confusion.
FOR INSTANCE, THE ongoing land ownership caused war between the State of Israel and Palestine while Cameroon and Nigeria fought for years for a parcel of land and next-door Sierra Leone and Guinea in relating to a land dispute, did not resolve same until the involvement of ECOWAS.
IF THE SALE of illegal public, private and traditional or customary land by past and present officials of government is not addressed by those agencies and policy-makers, we foresee another round of violence in the country.
THEREFORE, WE JOIN some local leaders in the county by calling for the investigation of the city mayor and others who are involved in the illegal sale of public land and lest we remind the government that the proceeds for such sale must be investigated as well.
IT IS NO secret that from the creation of this nation, land disputes have led to the destruction of lives and properties and such acts have never ceased to end especially in counties like Nimba, Maryland, Rivergee, Grand Kru, Margibi, Sinoe, Montserrado and Rivercess, which if not between individuals, it is community against community.

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