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Gov’t, LTMI Plan MOU Ceremony Cancel


By Bill W. Cooper
A planed program intended for the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the government of Liberia and the Liberia Traffic Management Incorporated (LTMI) was on Friday, abruptly cancelled and postponed under an unexplained circumstances.
The much publicized program which was initially intended to have started at 9:00 A.M at the LTMI premises in Paynesville, witnessed the presence of some authorities from the security sector including the Liberia National Police (LNP), the Liberia Fire Service (LNFS) and the Liberia Immigration Service (LIS) among others before its abrupt cancellation which brought total sadness to the company’s CEO and team.
However, the MOU when signed between the two parties, will see Liberia be one of the newest countries to benefit from such a traffic management partnership which is will improve traffic regulatory system, building the capacity of 500 Liberia National Police staff and creating over 1, 200 jobs for Liberians.
The LTMI is a public-private partnership module working in over 50 countries around the world, as they responsible for the management of traffic vehicles while enforcement of traffic regulations will be done by the Liberia National Police.
According to the partnership documents, the LNP shall provide manpower and Technical Law Enforcement expertise and shall conduct road safety awareness support traffic management and road safety programs across the country.
LTMI shall, per the requirements of the Concession Agreement which was signed by both President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and President George M. Weah, will provide the LNP uniforms, capacity building, (training and manpower development, logistics, vehicles and other equipment).
It further stated that the LTMI shall support the LNP through financial resources to implement its road safety program in the country. Consistent with the LTMI approved development plan, it shall have drivers testing centers in the fifteen counties of Liberia.
Accordingly, LTMI shall ensure that no later than sixty day’s Transport and Techno brain Global FZE for driver licenses, which may be either the expiry of the contract term or the issuance of 5,000 driver licenses.

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