The Government of Liberia has announced another adjustment in the price for a 25kg bag of rice effective December 3, 2022.
Wholesale Price is US$17 or LRD Equivalent while retail price is now US$17.50 or LRD Equivalent
The Government of Liberia, over the last five years has continuously worked with the importers of rice to ensure that the price of rice remains affordable for the Liberian people and available on the local market
As a result of current global challenges faced with sourcing of the commodity, the President George M. Weah constituted a Rice Stabilization Taskforce, with the mandate to assess sustainability of current interventions, explore all options and propose new measures necessary to keep rice affordable and available on the Liberian market.
Following extensive consultations with all relevant stakeholders, including major rice importers and the Liberia Marketing Association, coupled with recommendations from the Rice Stabilization Taskforce, a decision was reached to adjust the price of rice in order to increase the importation volume; increase availability of the commodity on the market; eliminate unauthorized price hikes, and deter black market sales.
“We want to assure the public that the current stock of rice in country can sufficiently serve the market up to the arrival of subsequent scheduled vessels. We therefore encourage businesses to continue to carry out unrestricted sale of rice, void of price hiking and profiteering at the expense of the ordinary people,” the release under the signature of the Commerce and Industry Minister Mawine G. Diggs stated.
The Ministry of Commerce and Industry, through its inspectorate will ensure straight compliance with this decision and calls on the public to report anyone found selling above the government regulated price.
The Government of Liberia said it remains committed to its Pro-Poor Agenda by ensuring rice and other essential commodities remain available and affordable.