Electioneering politics can be challenging and laborious. Newcomers to a full-time practice of the social science find it extremely exhausting and resource-draining. Yet, any politician that has a genuine, concrete and clear vision wouldn’t see the exhaustion or be wearied as the Liberian People’s Party Standard-bearer Cllr. TiawanSaye Gongloe has not been at all.
Regardless of the countless hours he spends reaching out; his endurance could be attributed to some people’s thoughts that he is little-known and less-popular of the contenders for the Liberian Presidency. Whatever accounts for the relentless efforts and the risks, Cllr. Gongloe takes to connect with electorates wherever they dwell and it is undisputable that the LPP Standard-bearer is breaking imaginable grounds. Admiration for him and the message of transformation endear him to people of sundry backgrounds and localities.
During the weekend of March 10-12, 2023, Cllr. Gongloe was a special guest of a renowned family of Yao Nyarlay in District Number 5 in Nimba County. Elder David W. Kor, head of the Penue family who flew from the United States, invited the astute Lawyer now, Politician, to celebrate with them, their family reunion in memory of their late mother and the dedication of his modern home just constructed in Yao Nyarlay.
Nine members of the United States based United Nimba Citizens Council (UNICCO) also jetted into Liberia and drove down to the town to merry-make with the Kors. It was a week-long get-together that was characterized by telling family folklores, singing, dancing and performing of acrobatics by a mask-dancer popularly known as “Gio-devil.”
Additionally, sporting events punctuated by classic display of soccer talents of teams that represented towns in District #5, spiced up the festivity which assembled immediate children, grand and great-grand ones along with their friends and love ones from all over Nimba County and other parts of Liberia.
In a brief welcome remark, Elder Kor said that he and his wife were honored by the turnout of the multitude of people to celebrate with them a milestone they had attained particularly by reuniting the shattered Penue Family and opening their new bungalow built in Yao Nyarlay.
Above all, Elder Kor stated that the greatest respect accorded him, his family and the entire Yao Nyarlay was the LPP’s Standard-bearer, Cllr. Tiawan Saye Gongloe honoring his invitation on a short notice to attend the ceremony.
He added, “I’m overwhelmed that for the first time a presidential candidate can enter and spend a night in this rural town. It has never happened. I’m touched by his humility and modesty so the family has to gown Cllr. Gongloe.”
For his part, Cllr. Gongloe thanked the family for mustering the courage to reunite because it is through unity that they can make more of the progress that they are making.
Politically, he said Liberia needed conscious people to transform it. In that respect, he put himself forward as a contender for the Presidency in order to put the country on a proper trajectory and encouraged them to register to vote in the 2023 General and Presidential Elections.
Towards that end, Cllr. Gongloe mentioned four of his 10-point known as ‘The Better Liberia Agenda’. He named the restoration of public works yards once stationed across the country to keep primary and feeder roads usable year-round; mechanization of farming with focus on rice cultivation to end rice shortage; provision of free primary and secondary education; and putting in place free medical services for pregnant women, infants and old people.
He ended: “All this is possible once we together fight and defeat corruption which continues to impair the growth and development of Liberia”. “Liberia is not naturally poor. God gave us a rich country; but we are poor by choice, because on Election Day, we take bags of rice and money to vote for people who do not care about the people when the win”, he said.
Meanwhile, on his arrival in Bomi and Gbarpolu Counties, respectively, the LPP stalwart got rousing welcome similar to those accorded him wherever he arrived throughout his tour of the country.
People came out in their numbers throwing the revolutionary salute and waving the brooms he would metaphorically use to cleanse public service of corruption when he shall have been elected President of Liberia.
During well-attended town hall meetings in the two counties respectively, the Standard-bearer thrilled the audiences when he expatiated the LPP’s flagship vision for Liberia dubbed, The Better Liberia Agenda (BLA).
He laid out practically how he would improve roads to facilitate unimpeded movement of goods, services and people; the measures he would take to trump up food security by mechanizing farming; and to provide free medical and educational services to the public. All this captivated the people leading them to commit to registering to vote and ultimately elect him President of Liberia.
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