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Glassco Discusses Fish Farming Prospects For Liberia


The Director General of the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority (NaFAA) has held a successful bilateral engagement with Manuel Barange, the Assistant Director General of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations in Rome, Italy.
During the Committee on Fisheries, 36th Session (COFI 36), at FAO headquarters in the Canada room, the recent bilateral meeting was specifically centered on Aquaculture (Fish Farming) Development in Liberia.
The FAO has committed to direct its attention to Aquaculture development in Liberia with regards to a partnership in the fisheries sector with a specific focus on strengthening Liberia’s legal regime and building technical capacity which will lead to attracting investments to the Fisheries sector.
Furthermore, the FAO’s involvement in the Liberian Aquaculture sector will also lead to transitioning from a subsistence fish farming program to a more sustainable commercially viable aquaculture sector to create job opportunities, have a direct impact on livelihoods, strengthen food security, and provide huge fresh fish supply on the local markets.
The focus will be placed on two main species namely Tilapia and catfish.
DG Emma Metieh Glassco termed Aquaculture as the future of Liberia’s fisheries sector and at the same time, encouraged the FAO to ensure women’s participation in Aquaculture through capacity building to enable them to produce fish feed to enhance aquaculture development in Liberia.
Madam Glassco who was excited about the engagement with the FAO Assistant Director-General pointed out that considering the growing demand for wild capture fisheries which is also affected by the increasing decline by factors such as adverse climatic conditions, Aquaculture development with FAO Technical support will yield positive transformation across Liberia.
Meanwhile, Liberia through the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority will shortly send the FAO an official request that will lead to the signing of a partnership agreement for its intervention in the Aquaculture sector.
Under the pending technical agreement, there will also be a technical exchange program between countries, including Egypt which has progressive aquaculture development programs in Africa.

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