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Gender Ministry’s Delegation On Study Visit In Rwanda


A delegation from the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection (MGCSP), is currently in Kigali, Rwanda, on a pivotal study visit.
The delegation seeks to learn from Rwanda’s globally recognized success in advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment, aiming to localize and apply the lessons to national programs in Liberia.
The trip is being sponsored by the Liberia Women Empowerment Project (LWEP), a 44.6million World Bank funded project.
This visit is part of Liberia’s broader efforts to strengthen its institutional capacity for addressing gender gaps, combating gender-based violence (GBV), and empowering women and girls. By examining Rwanda’s policies and achievements, the MGCSP aims to refine its strategies to achieve transformative change in Liberia.
The delegation’s agenda focuses on key objectives, including enhancing Liberia’s approach to women and girls’ empowerment, improving GBV prevention and response mechanisms, and understanding gender-responsive budgeting processes.
Rwanda’s One Stop Centers for GBV survivors, recognized for their holistic support systems, are among the models the team hopes to adapt to Liberia’s context.
Rwanda’s achievements in gender equality are nothing short of remarkable. Women hold 61.3% of parliamentary seats, occupy over half of cabinet positions, and have significant representation in the judiciary.
The country ranks 6th globally for women’s rights and opportunities, according to the World Economic Forum.
These milestones underscore the impact of Rwanda’s political commitment to gender equality, serving as an inspiration for Liberia.
Minister Gbeme Horace-Kollie emphasized the significance of the visit, stating, “Rwanda’s success is a testament to what is possible with deliberate efforts and strong leadership. While Liberia has not yet reached such milestones, we are determined to make progress, and this study tour provides us with the tools and insights to do so.”
While in Kigali, the delegation is holding discussions with Rwanda’s Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion, the Parliament, and judiciary leadership, with a possible meeting with the President of Rwanda to discuss executive leadership in advancing gender equality.
They will visit the National Museum to explore Rwanda’s cultural integration of social inclusion.
This visit is expected to impact Liberia’s national program design, particularly under Component 4 of the Liberia Women Empowerment Project (LWEP), which focuses on institutional capacity building for gender equality. By learning from Rwanda’s experiences, Liberia aims to initiate reforms that promote women’s leadership, strengthen GBV programming, and close gender gaps across sectors.
The Liberia Women Empowerment Project (LWEP) is a 44.6 million World Bank Funded project aimed at empowering women and girls across six counties in Liberia and advancing gender equality.
The counties include: Montserrado, Bomi, Grand Cape Mount, Gbarpolu, Grand Gedeh and Rivercess respectively.
Meanwhile, there is a renewed sense of purpose in achieving gender equality in Liberia. By leveraging on the lessons from Rwanda, the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection is poised to spearhead impactful reforms, setting the stage for a more inclusive and equitable future for all Liberians.

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