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GC Commissioners Fight Over OIC Post


By S. Siapha Mulbah (Cub Reporter)
The Governance Commission seems to be in a reported leadership crisis as commissioners at the institution battle for the Officer-In-Charge position.
Since the President’s nomination of Mr. Toga Gaywea McIntosh as the chairperson failed due to the nominee’s political ambition, the GC accordingly went to Status Quo with the supervision of an acting Officer-In-Charge.
Yesterday, two members of the Board of Commissioners of the Commission namely, Elizabeth Dorkin and George Howe entered into a toxic discourse on a public media platform which indicated several irregularities at the entity.
The embattled Officer In Charge, Elizabeth Dorkin reported that her office at the government’s facility had been locked by orders of Commissioner Howe on grounds that her tenure as the OIC has expired.
She alleged that the other Commissioners are plotting to get at her for unknown reasons which had prevented her from going to work several days in order to prevent the threats that could be posed to her life as the lone female in the battle.
According to Madam Donkins, serving as OIC at the Governance Commission, she had been in office as the Commission’s Chairperson where she did her turnover report for the President’s failed nomination.
‘’I served at the GC and became the OIC after my predecessors, even before Commissioner Howard who is claiming that my tenure has expired. I work at the will and pleasure of the President till the necessary appointment is made to have a chairperson at GC,’’ the embattled OIC asserted.
Commissioner Howe on a robust attack providing rebuttal to Madam Dorkin assertions on OK FM said the embattled OIC had overstayed at said position and had such as a relief to have him as the new Officer-In-Charge.
According to him, when the past commissioner left, an agreement was signed by the current commissioners including Madam Dorkin to have the Officer-In-Charge position be rotational.
He said, “That woman is just greedy for power; her time as OIC has ended and I’m the one in charge now. She had too many scandals on her head from her time of service.”
His own argument suggests that the office of the chairperson should not be used by any of the commissioners until the proper appointment is made to occupy the position.
“The office that is locked is the office of the chairperson of the Governance Commission and not the Commissioner’s office. She had not been coming to work for many weeks now and staying away should not be like a new thing. No one is doing the task of the President, but she is not OIC again,” Commissioner Howe intimated.

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