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Gbarpolu Senator Naatehn Is Dead


Gbarpolu County Senator, Daniel Flomo Naatehn, is dead

According to the report, which was confirmed by the Senate Press Secretary, Alfred Johnson, he died on Tuesday, August 8 in India, while undergoing medical treatment.

He held the position of chairman on the Senate Committee on Transport and was seeking re-election in the Tuesday, October 10, 2023 Presidential and Legislative Elections.

Naatehn, 67, was the Chairperson of the Alternative National Congress (ANC), a constituent party of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP), which is being led by Alexander Cummings.

He is the second sitting lawmaker to die during this electoral season, the first being Grand Bassa County’s Electoral District 1 Representative, Hans Barchue.

Naatehn was amongst 14 former senators and a sitting President, George Weah, who were elected during the 2014 midterm senatorial race.

Last August, Naatehn called on his colleagues in the upper house to enshrine in the drugs law, a portion that will make all government officials subject to blood testing.

He stated, among many things at the time, that blood testing should be done periodically on all government officials, to detect whether or not any official is involved with the consumption of drugs.

Naatehn indicated that his quest to his colleagues is based on setting a path that will make government officials drug-free.

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