By Linus Flomo
Liberia’s General Auditing Commission (GAC) has secured the highest ranking among Supreme Audit Institutions (SAI) in West Africa.
According to a recent World Bank assessment, the GAC is praised for its strides toward operational independence.
The GAC, led by Auditor General P. Garswa Jackson, scored an impressive 8 out of 10 on the SAI Independence Matrix, marking it as the most independent SAI in the region.
The World Bank’s assessment, conducted every four years, evaluates the independence of SAIs based on international standards and practices.
The GAC was evaluated across ten key areas, including constitutional and legal frameworks, operational autonomy, and access to records.
Despite its high score, the GAC was noted for lacking financial autonomy, scoring zero in this area due to budgetary constraints imposed by the National Legislature and the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, in contravention of the GAC Act of 2014.
In recognition of these achievements, the United States Government Accountability Office (GAO) extended its congratulations to Auditor General Jackson and the GAC staff for their continued progress.
The GAO’s message of commendation follows Auditor General Jackson’s recent invitation by the World Bank to deliver special remarks at the launch of the “Independence and Accountability in Governance Report” for SAI Ghana. Jackson has also been invited to share his insights at the upcoming INTOSAI Donor Cooperation Leadership Meeting in Romania.
Auditor General Jackson expressed his enthusiasm over the GAC’s accomplishments and pledged to continue pursuing excellence.
He emphasized the Commission’s commitment to engaging with stakeholders, including the Government of Liberia and international partners, to achieve the financial autonomy outlined in the GAC Act of 2014.
The World Bank’s recognition and the GAO’s endorsement highlight the significant progress the GAC has made in enhancing its operational independence.
As Liberia continues its journey towards greater governance and accountability, the GAC’s achievements stand as a model for other Supreme Audit Institutions across the region.