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From Grantee To IP: Nimba Ventures Lead Successful Snail Farming Agro Business


Founded in 2019 by Jared K. Lankah, Nimba Ventures Inc. specializes in snail farming leveraging the power of Agriculture for sustainable income generation.
In 2021, Nimba Ventures won a $40,000.00 grant from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) inaugural Growth Accelerator Program assisting to further its mission to foster economic resilience and self-reliance among rural vulnerable people.
“We used these grants to purchase a vehicle and bigger land area to build more compartments that will enable us to breed and supply over 100,000 snails all year round,” said Lankah.
Throughout the years, Nimba Ventures operating from its farms in different locations including Saclepea and Bahnnaglay, has made strides and left its footprints visible enough that it has attracted donors to partner with it.
Lankah established this business to address the perennial scarcity of snails during the dry season when snails are less available in the market.
While snails are a popular national delicacy, consumers typically rely on snails handpicked from forests during the wet season hence this seasonality of supply presented a business opportunity for Jared.
Not many nations worldwide are popular with farming and eating snails, however, some farm it for purposes of producing cosmetics.
Liberia is one of the few African countries that are popular for farming snails for food consumption.
Snails are said to be good sources of nutrients such as iron, calcium, vitamin A, and other nutritious minerals.
Through this business opportunity in his community, Lankah contributes to sustainable development by building a community of rural snail farmers in both the northern and Western parts of Libera, thus fostering the economic resilience of vulnerable people through snail farming.
“The supply of snails on the Liberian market has been scarce. Nimba Venture was established to breed snails that will supply the Liberian market all year round.
The supply of snails is abundant during the rains but dwindles in the dry season when snails become expensive,” he says.
Recognizing the need for accessible income-generating activities in rural areas, Nimba Ventures focuses on snail farming due to its low startup costs, minimal space requirements, and high market demand.
Aside from specializing in snail farming, this rural youth-led Argo business offers training opportunities to empower youth, women, and marginalized groups to achieve economic stability and build a future in agriculture.
Recently it has transitioned from grantee to being an Implementing Partner (IP) for the ‘Leh Go Green’ European Union-funded project managed by UNDP.
The ‘Leh Go Green’ project is geared towards supporting increased forest-based revenue and livelihood for forest users and forest fringe communities.
This partnership aims to provide an alternative and sustainable livelihood for youth and vulnerable populations in rural communities.
As part of activities for the Leh Go Green project, Nimba Ventures recently hosted a pilot snail farming training workshop at the Lofa County University and in Gelema Town.
The initiative, supported by the European Union in Liberia and UNDP seeks to promote food security, economic growth, and self-sufficiency through the innovative practice of greenhouse snail farming.
The workshop, which took place in October, saw the participation of five students – three men and two women, from Lofa County University, who were recruited and trained in intensive snail farming techniques.
These students are now actively involved in the management and care of the first three snail pans, each containing 45 snails.
The students’ training marks a significant milestone in the collaboration between Nimba Ventures and Lofa County University.
Special thanks were extended to the university’s president, as well as Mr. Paul S. Nabieu, Dean of the Agriculture Department, who warmly welcomed the project and assured its security on campus.
The hands-on training has provided students with the practical skills needed to contribute to the growth of Liberia’s agricultural sector through the ‘Leh Go Green’ project.
Following the workshop at the university, the team from Nimba Ventures proceeded to Gelema Town, where they conducted another training session with ten women, including youth.
Participants were trained in greenhouse snail farming, further expanding the reach and impact of the initiative.
These sessions are the EU and UNDP’s ongoing commitment to empower marginalized communities and improve livelihoods across Liberia.
Lankah expressed his gratitude to the European Union, UNDP, and other implementing partners for their unwavering support.
The success of these workshops demonstrates the potential of sustainable agricultural practices transforming local economies. The EU-funded ‘Leh Go Green’ project in partnership with Nimba Ventures remains dedicated to expanding its efforts across Liberia, ensuring that more communities benefit from this innovative farming approach.

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