Forensic Investigators Conduct 2nd Autopsy On Charloe’s Remains
By Grace Q. Bryant
Foreign pathologists, as well as a forensic investigator and a registered nurse, have conducted the second autopsy on the remains of Charloe Musu, daughter of defendant Gloria Musu Scott, at the St. Moses Funeral Parlors.
They are Dr. Matthias I. Okoye, Pathologist, Dr. Cordelia C. Okoye, Medical Doctor, Dr. Cordelia N. Okoye, Registered Nurse, and Dale L. Williams, Forensic Consultant and Forensic Investigator of the United States.
It can be recalled that on March 11, an autopsy was conducted on the remains of Charloe by Government pathologists, headed by Dr. Benedict Kolee.
The new autopsy and forensic investigation conducted is in compliance to a request made by lawyers representing defendant Scott and three others, in a murder trial at criminal court “A” over the death of Charloe Musu.
The pathologists waited for three hours due a poor communication between the Justice Ministry and St. Moses.
According to St. Moses, he did not receive a communication that pathologists would carry on an autopsy, and therefore informed the defense team to wait until they received the communication.
During the autopsy, the pathologists noticed that the late Charloe Musu’s organs were not in her body; when they asked Dr. Benedict Kolee, he told them he took the organs and kept it in the freezer during the first autopsy.
“So, you trusted this man by giving the organs to keep it in the freezer?” the pathologists asked Dr. Kolee.
It was observed that the pathologists did not examine the organs that were kept in the freezer; according to them, it was not safe.
Dr. Matthias I. Okoye is a trained pathologist and head of the medical team who conducted the examinations.
Dr. Matthias has conducted several autopsies in Liberia, including the famous Angel Togba’s case.
Prior to the conduct of the autopsy, the foreign doctors visited the home of the defendants in Brewerville and toured the entire facility.
The foreign pathologists did a video recording and did a photograph of the facility.
The visitation of the crime scene was carried out by the foreign pathologists, including the forensic investigator, state prosecutors, police authorities, defense lawyers, and journalists who cover the court.
At the home of the defendants, it was observed that the fence of the defendants have no barbed wires around the fence, and it makes it easy for anyone to pass over it.
The external part of the crime scene is situated between houses in the right corner, with a long fence, and said fence is not protected with barbed wires or broken bottles.
The back of the fence is facing the Atlantic Ocean, while front of fence is located at the North, the west side of the fence has the Redeemer International School opposite it and the East side of the fence is lower with residential homes around it.
The back of the fence that is facing the Atlantic Ocean has a fence connected to it, and even the design on fence gate, which is 8 feet, can be used by anyone who wants to get in, and the fence is 10 just feet high, surrounded with flowers and palm trees.
The Interior part of the fence has many trees, including coconut, palm, pawpaw, and almond, as well as a palaver hut, shop with flat top, and a place for animals and many flowers.
According to the trial, the front of the house has fallen ceiling tiles, which was the first place that was attacked, while the side on the right of the house also had fallen ceiling tiles, but was replaced with bigger planks, which was previously attacked.
However, journalists were prevented from entering inside the residence of defendant Scott; according to the police, it was for security reasons.
Meanwhile, the defendants are expected to take the witness stand soon, while prosecutors rest with the production of both documentary and oral evidence, with the right to bring rebuttal witnesses when the need arises.
The State produced 20 witnesses in total; 16 direct witnesses and four subpoenaed witnesses.