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Foreign Affairs’ Workers Association On Kemayah’s Back


The Independent Workers Association of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (iMoFaWa) attention is drawn to the over-expressed show of unfriendliness to the Government of the People’s Republic of China by the Government Liberia executed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Dee-Maxwell Saah Kemayah.

For the third time according to the Association, Mr. Kemayah has given instruction for the Liberian Mission to the United Nations to cosign a resolution out of intractable bigotry condemning China for Human Rights violation particularly in its Xinjiang, Tibet and Hong kong territories.

The iMoFaWa calls on Mr. Kemayah to revisit and firmly respect the one China policy and to strictly adhere to non-interference into the internal affairs of each other.

The Association said the continuous Liberia’s blind co-sponsorship of UN resolutions against China without an independent investigate is counterproductive and unaccepted to a mutually beneficial relation between our two countries.

Liberia has been the only African country with diplomatic relations with China that is constantly sided or been influenced by western powers, especially the United States of America to conveniently speak against China on the world stage with absolute disregard to the African Union common position- noninterference- in the matter.

The other African countries to have sided once with western government in this colossal hypocrisy are Swaziland and Somalia.

iMoFaWa said it is convinced beyond every reasonable doubt that Mr. Kemayah is playing a dangerous international power politics between the United States and China to receive personal benefits especially regarding his alleged criminal mischiefs in the United States, and added, “Unfortunately however, the eyes of Mr. Kemayah’s victims and their legal team look up to the US to serve justice.”

iMoFaWa is calling on Dr. George Manneh Weah to commission an investigation on the action of Foreign Minister Kemayah for attempting to shift the trajectory of Liberia-China relationship and in consideration of the cordial relationship that subsist between the Republic of Liberia and the People’s Republic of China.

iMoFaWa’s concern also lean against the backdrop of whether or not Mr. Kemayah’s actions are to his benefit or that of Liberia.

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