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For Killing Security In Cape Mount: Man, 43 Gets Life Imprisonment

The Assigned Circuit Judge at the fifth Judicial Circuit Court, in Grand Cape Mount County, Wesseh Alphonsus Wesseh, has sentenced defendant Alfred G. Kamara, 43, to life imprisonment for killing James Moore, 50, his watchman at his diamond mining site in Cape mount, on January 17, 2023.
The trial jurors of the court, on March 14, 2024, returned a unanimous guilty verdict against Defendant Kamara, after some three weeks of trial. The Court imposed the sentenced on the defendant, after the court heard and denied the Defense Counsel’s Motion for New Trial, filed to set the jurors’ unanimous guilty verdict aside.
According to the indictment formed and brought against Defendant Kamara, by the Government of Liberia, the Defendant accused the deceased, who was at the time of the incidence, his watchman at his diamond mining site, for stealing fuel oil kept in his mining equipment.
The indictment alleged that the Defendant was physically seen taking the deceased on his motor bike back to the mining site for inspection and investigation into alleged missing fuel oil, but the deceased was never seen again, until he was found dead days after on the bank of the Lofa River, some 100 meters from the defendant’s diamond mining site, with parts extracted from the deceased’s body.
Judge Wesseh’s imposition of sentence came after the conduct a pre-sentence investigation. Section 50.5. and 501.3 of the new penal code of Liberia award anyone guilty of murder to be sentenced to death or life imprisonment.
However, the defense lawyer led by Cllr. Boimah Passawe has excepted to the final ruling and announced an appeal before the full bench of the Supreme Court; the County Attorney for Cape Mount, Cllr. Nyonkpao Daye, praised the court for delivering justice for the family of the deceased

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