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Fire Disaster Leaves 8 Homeless


A fire disaster in the Trye Community, Kebbah the Township of Barnesville specifically District 11 Montserrado County has made several family members homeless with properties destroyed.
The fire which started at about 9:30pm burnt to ashes a three bedroom house which contained living and dining rooms, kitchen, pantry, two bathrooms as well as back and front porches.
No one has been able to independently authenticate the cause of the fire, but according to the owner of the house, Sarah Pokan, the fire started from one of the bathrooms with smoke before later blowing into flames.
“The children called me and said there was smoke from my bathroom and when we entered, we decided to call a neighbor and tried to bring in sand to extinguish the fire then we noticed that it was already in the ceiling; that’s how we sent for ladder but could not make to put it off” Mrs. Pokan explained.
Madam Pokan said not of the family members sustain injury, but noted that none of their properties including school documents for the children were taken from the house.
The victim indicated that the house was completed in 2021 and they moved that very, though she could not state value of the house but added that it worth thousands of United States dollars to have it built.
Madam Pokan who is a grandmother of several children is therefore appealing to the government, philanthropists, and well-meaning Liberians to come to their aid to enable them to restart life.
She furthered that the fire incident has put her family backward and has no alternative for resettlement.
The incident left many community dwellers confused and in sorrow as they watched the neighbor’s house burned to ashes and properties destroyed just in a twinkle of an eye.
The Development Chairperson of Trye Community, Korvahyan Reed, expressed dismayed over the disastrous situation.
Mr. Reed joined the family to call on the government of Liberia, humanitarian organizations and well-meaning Liberians to help the family resettle.

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