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FAWE Takes Youth Rising Awareness To Communities


By S. Siapha Mulbah
The Forum for African Women Educationalist (FAWE) has conducted and concluded an intensive awareness across Montserrado on the Youth Rising Project intended to provide adequate vocational skills training to Liberians.
The Project under the theme, “Equipping Liberian Youths With Vocational Skills For Bright Future” brought together groups of young people in a door-to-door peer-to-peer awareness over the weekend giving them encouragement to form part of the process.
Speaking at an intellectual center in Sinkor, the youth leader for the 12th Street community Mariah Wilson explained that the youth society needs a shift in the mentality of education with clarity on the importance of vocational education.
Wilson said to make a positive impact to the society around you does not necessarily tie one to getting formal education or degree but also recognizes other capacity building disciplines that add professional values to the livelihood of everyone mainly the youths.
According to her, while it is true that degrees and other methods of formal education gives a man the pleasure of fulfilling life, learning trades and getting other skills training makes people more comfortable in achieving success.
“We are very glad to have this Youth Rising Project coming to our door step to help elevate our young brothers and sisters. It is the best we all can do in order to have the society shifted in the best direction. We will support FAWE and all those working on this wonderful initiative by calling on all Liberian youths to form part of this program and learn at least a trade to back you up later in the future”, she intimated.
The female youth leader launched a passionate appeal to other females to form part of the programs under the project as a means to address the barrier between the perceptions of men superiority over women.
She noted, “It is now time we take the stage and do not always depend on men for everything. It is a fifty-fifty situation when you learn a trade as woman to make earns meet for yourself.”
For his part, the community chairman in Sinkor where the awareness was climaxed Richard Saygbeh Sr. called it a relief to the community when the young people are given the opportunity to add extra values to themselves.
Mr. Saygbeh stated that the youth project is a commendable one to secure a positive future for all Liberians that will take advantage of the trainings offered right on the Tubman High School Campus.
According to him, the Forum for African Women Educationalist had played a very pivotal role in mobilizing young people to enroll at the center so that the community can be empowered.
“This program means a whole lot to our community and we are grateful to FAWE and all her partners for the initiative. We are kindly asking the organizers of this program to also expand to others that are desirous of enrolling with much challenged economic constraints so that they can benefit as well,” he maintained.
In remarks, the National Chairperson for FAWE Doctor Meima Sirleaf Kanneh disclosed that the Youth Rising Project is across Montserrado in several communities to give skills to young people.
She said the awareness started in places including Paynesville and Gardnersville to close in Sinkor where one of the major centers is situated.
According to Dr. Kanneh the message for the awareness is to give the youth community insight vision of the opportunity to learning skills including computer, carpentry, electricity and others.
She lauded the partners and donors of the project namely, the Government of Liberia, European Union and UNIDO adding that they all are cooperative in giving Liberia a better future.

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