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Fate Bobby Tapson Donates To St. Paul Bridge Tournament


A prominent citizen of the Borough of New Kru Town, Fate Bobby Tapson, has made a huge donation in cash and kind to the organizers of the annual traditional tournament of the St. Paul Bridge Community.
Tapson, based in the United States of America, is the founder and head of the “Friends of Tapson”, a civil society movement engaged in supporting academic and developmental activities, activism for social justice, adherence to the rule of law, good governance, and human rights promotion, among others.
The Friends of Tapson (FOT) presented over L$63,000 to the eight (8) participating sub-communities’ teams, received by their respective coaches, and also US$50 for some brand-new plastic chairs meant for substitute players.
At the kick-off of the annual sports event in St. Paul Bridge Community, one of the significant events of Montserrado County Electoral District 16, one of the teams’ ranking members, Richmond Wleh, reaffirmed Tapson’s continuous support to the citizens back in Liberia.
“You know, this is neither the first, second, nor third time Mr. Fate Bobby Tapson has identified with the entire traditional tournament of the St. Paul Bridge Community. He sees himself part of every youthful activity across the Borough of Kru Town, not only St. Paul Bridge,” he added.
Wleh expressed the founder’s gratitude to the hundreds of young people participating in the colorful event, and lauded the organizing committee for their commitment, dedication, and passion to host said initiative.
Team Tapson urged the participants to always push the positive image of the community, foster unity, peace and development through sporting activities, emphasizing his endless commitment to standing by the body in whatever good way possible to make an impact.
Richmond P. Wleh recounted that the team identified with the organizers of the tournament during previously held events by not only making donations in cash and kind, but also presented handsome awards to individual high performing players in kickball and football, as well as other categories.
At the same time, Fate Bobby Tapson has encouraged his team back home to always keep the interest of the citizens through their humanitarian initiatives, and promote peace and unity.

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