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FAO Country Representative Visits VP Koung


By B. Linus Flomo (freelancer)
The Country Representative of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Madam Binta S. Tchicaya, paid a courtesy call on Vice President Jeremiah K. Koung last Friday, March 1, 2024 at his Capitol Hill office.
The meeting focused on FAO’s support to the Government of Liberia in formulating the 100 days National Agriculture Plan.
FAO Country Head, Madam Tchicaya, stressed during the meeting that agriculture remains an integral component of any government, and called for the urgent need to put together resources in order to ensure food security in Liberia.
Madam Tchicaya intimated that the organization also focuses on other areas, including forestry, aquaculture, and fisheries, which can spark economic growth and development.
The FAO boss also informed V.P Koung of Liberia’s first Digital Agriculture Census, which is expected to kickstart in May 2024. The census, when concluded, will successfully provide data on Liberia’s production capacity. She further expressed FAO’s agenda to transfer knowledge and empower farmers through various cooperative.
In response, Vice president Koung applauded the FAO for its support of the National Agriculture Plan, and asserted the importance of agriculture under the ARREST agenda of the Liberian Government.
He also pledged the government’s full support to the Digital Agriculture Census, which will provide reliable data necessary to address the challenges facing the country’s agriculture sector.
Since 1977, the FAO has been working in Liberia, providing strategic advice and recommendations on policies for agriculture. The organization has also collaborated with the Government of Liberia to ensure benefits for rural transformation and food security.

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