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Equip-Liberia Joins Global Fight Against HIV/AIDs


The acting Head of a local National Civil Society Organization (C.S.O) in Liberia, Equip-Liberia, has joined the global fight against HIV/AIDs.

Addressing newsmen recently at his ELWA Rockhole Community office, Matthew G. Slermien said funds from Global Fund through plain International-Liberia have been received by his Organization for the implementation of HIV/AIDs awareness and training in four counties in the Country.

He named Margibi, Bong, Grand Bassa and Nimba Counties as beneficiaries of the project in the Global Fight, and promised that all will be done to meet its expected objective.

He noted that his institution is gratified to be chosen as one of the local C.S.Os to implement the project, with funding from Global Fund, through Plain- International-Liberia.

The project is being carried out in line with the global target of ninety five, ninety five in 2030 by the World Health Organization (WHO)

Slermien narrated that the project activities will involve new funding module number #3, known as E.F.M, in three of those four counties, creating awareness on HIV/AIDs and encouraging peers to peer interactions, working with key people, linking them to the facilities, and doing community training.

He said in the same vein, the project is being undertaken in two health districts in Todee and commonwealth districts in Montserrado County, to achieve the global target of 2030 by the health body WHO.

Additionally, Slermien said Equip-Liberia is in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, The National AIDs Commission, and National AIDs Control Program, and has been given the permit or license to implement in health related projects nation-wide.

He said the project is yielding its expected outcome thus far, and the message from the field is changing from denial to acceptance, unlike in the past when HIV/AIDs was seen as a death penalty.

The acting head of Program of the Local C.S.O Organization said with funds from Global fund, and support from the government of Liberia, more can be achieved in meeting the global target in 2030 by the World Health Organization.

He lauded the two international partners for their roles in working with other local groups like Youth Alive, among others, to meet the Global target bench mark design.

Slermien said his institution will continue to conduct activities so as to safe-guard people that may come down with illness.

Equip-Liberia is a Professional Health based Organization implementing health activities, especially community health, linking communities to its facility. It is also a project oriented organization with volunteers being hired or recruited for a specific time frame to implement a project.

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