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EPA Wants Justice Intervention In Companies’ Violation


By Laurina B Lormia
The Liberia Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) wants the Ministry of Justice to intervene and prosecute companies in non-compliance and violation of the Environmental Protection and Management Law of Liberia.
The EPA Executive Director, Emmanuel Urey-Yarkpawolo over the weekend, highlighted the need to prosecute violators who are disobeying the stop orders which require the involvement of the Ministry of Justice.
He threatened the imposition and closure of more fines against companies for violating the Environmental Protection and Management Law.
According to him, EPA has instituted “Stop Orders” to violators to prohibit unsustainable backfilling activities at major wetland areas.
He added that, the EPA has undertaken waves of demolition of illegal structures constructed in the wetlands and is still under threat but they will continue their enforcement efforts by contacting the Ministry of Justice to prosecute violators.
“This is the reason why EPA imposed fines and closed down some numbers of companies for violating the Environmental Protection and Management Law of Liberia, adding, companies in violation of the law should expect more fines and closures” Yarkpawolo disclosed.
“In addition to developing wetland policy, the EPA has undertaken actions to raise public awareness of wetlands values and benefits as well as promote the conservation and wise use of wetlands and other resources,” he added.
“The Eco-Clubs Programs are useful in this awareness and their education efforts are particularly focusing on children. In the midst of these enforcement efforts, they still see violations all over the place, noting that as the saying goes, compliance with laws is less costly and oftentimes better than enforcement and punishment,” he stressed.
“Why so much flooding In Liberia? Is it due to the impacts of climate change and global warming, where exceeding 1.5 degree Celsius is causing chaotic weather patterns with unpredictable rainfalls and droughts, people are building in the wetlands, cutting the mangroves, blocking alleyways and throwing trash in the drainages,” he questioned.
“Let me bring this down to the current realities of the city of Monrovia and other urban areas across Liberia, since the water has to find its way, it enters people homes and destroy their belongings, destroys livelihoods and in recent times caused the death of children in the Omega community,” he narrated.
He urged, all communities in Liberia to establish community environmental clubs, so that members of the club will take the cleanliness of their communities in their own hands and will help police their environment.
He concluded, we need to support the schools environmental clubs or eco-club programs, by attending these programs, children will learn about their environment and appreciate their efforts in preventing it, who ever want to undertake such initiatives can please meet with us and give the required details of the program so that we can help elevate it to the national level.

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