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ECOWAS Strengthen ECOWARN Field Monitors’ Analytical Capabilities


Seventy-seven ECOWAS Early Warning and Response Network (ECOWARN) field monitors responsible for reporting on early warning human security indicators have ended a three-day workshop from March 13-15, 2024 in Abuja, Nigeria.

The workshop aimed to refine the vital skills of the field monitors on data collection, first level analysis, reporting, and human security assessment.

The Early Warning Directorate hosting the meeting, provided in-depth sensitization sessions covering expected job schedules, ECOWARN operation procedures, new application features, and expectations going forward.

The agenda featured sessions on; the ECOWAS Human Security Analysis framework, ECOWARN event types and parameters, updates on national human security situation by Field Monitors and performance evaluation.

The Director of the Early Warning Directorate, Onyinye Onwuka, Ag., stressed the crucial role of Field Monitors in ECOWAS’s proactive conflict prevention strategy. 

“Your work ensures we have accurate, timely information that allows us to take the necessary steps to safeguard peace and security across the region,” Dr. Onwuka stated.

She emphasized the significance of collaboration, urging participants to use the workshop as a forum for knowledge exchange and problem-solving, leading to the network’s continuous improvement.

The workshop underscores ECOWAS’s commitment to strengthening its early warning mechanisms, ensuring timely and decisive response to potential threats within the West African region.

The ECOWAS Early Warning and Response Network (ECOWARN) is a critical conflict prevention tool within ECOWAS.

Its systematized approach to data collection, threat assessment, and reporting enables proactive decision-making to preserve regional stability.

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