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ECOWAS Promotes Intellectual Property Regionally


The ECOWAS Commission recently took part in the Journées Ivoiriennes de la Propriété Intellectuelle et de l’Innovation (JPI2I) (Ivorian intellectual property and innovation days), under the theme “Geographical Indication (GI) labeling, a tool for promoting local products, preserving biological and cultural diversity, and a powerful lever for local development.”

The aim of the conference held in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire was to promote a framework for exchanges between West African and international players with a view to fostering a culture of intellectual property in West Africa and making this tool a decisive lever for the region’s socio-economic development.

It was noted that GIs aim to protect the authenticity of local products while supporting the agricultural economies of the West African region.

They also help to enhance traditional know-how and promote products at regional and international levels.  

The ECOWAS delegation, led by the Commissioner for Economic Affairs and Agriculture, Massandjé TOURE-LITSE was able to take part in various presentations and discussions between experts, public authorities, and producer groups through panels and round tables on various issues relating to GIs, such as the implementation of GI labeling projects, the challenges of structuring agricultural and craft industries, the challenges of registering GIs, the promotion and marketing of GIs on national, regional and international markets, and the sustainability of GIs.

The delegation took the opportunity to promote the ECOWAS Quality Certification Mark, ECOQMARK, adopted on June 17, 2021 by Regulation C/REG. 11/6/21 of the Council of Ministers and officially launched on July 8, 2024, in Bissau, Republic of Guinea Bissau.

The delegation promoted the ‘Africdeezayn’ mobile application, a platform officially launched on January 23, 2024, in Abuja, Nigeria, and aimed at providing a virtual space for West African designers and their creations.

Africdeezayn is an important ally in raising awareness in the West African region of the value and role of designs in product commercialization and business growth.

In addition to Côte d’Ivoire, the host country, five other Member States took part in the JPI2I thanks to the support of ECOWAS. They are Benin, Cape Verde, Guinea, Guinea Bissau and Nigeria.

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