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E-mobility Group NEEV Meets LERC …Showcases Investment Plan


The New Energy Electric Vehicles Liberia (NEEV) has met with the Liberia Electricity Regulatory Commission (LERC) to showcase its investment plan for the country.
NEEV is an e-mobility startup in Liberia that aims to revolutionize the transport sector by introducing electric and more energy-efficient vehicles to address climate change, reduce emissions, promotes sustainable mobility and economic growth.
The meeting between the investor (NEEV) and the Government through LERC was held August 5, 2024 at the Commission’s office in Monrovia.
Providing an overview of the company’s legal and operational statues in Liberia, General Manager Molley Paasewe craved the need for strong and lasting bond of relationship between the company and the country’s electricity regulatory body.
“What we have brought in country is a good investment plan that will benefit the country and its people. As an investment group, our aim is to work in the interest of the people – our many customers and the entire Liberia populace. But to achieve all of these, we pray for long-standing collaboration between LERC and our company,” said Mr. Passawe.
He pointed out that NEEV is a company that positions itself to impact the transport sector by reducing the greenhouse gas emissions through the introduction of electric and solar-powered vehicles.
The meeting was also attended by the Project Manager of NEEV, Princess Mary Tarpeh, who spoke extensively about the company’s plans to expand into renewable energy interventions, all of which she indicated, would require the support of the LERC.
Following an intense round of questions and answers from LERC and NEEV, the government’s electricity regulatory arm pledged its unflinching support to NEEV in its quest to provide quality service within the transport sector.

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