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DSTV Demands Over US$500,000 In Damages Against MCC


By Grace Q. Bryant
The Consolidated Group of DSTV has filed an action of damages for a wrong lawsuit against the Monrovia City Corporation (MCC) at the Civil Law Court in Monrovia.
The Consolidated Group, in its lawsuit, is demanding the city government to pay an amount of US$10,000 as special damage and US$500,000 as general damages, respectively.
“Plaintiffs must respectfully bring this Action of Damages for Wrong against the defendant, praying the court to adjudge the defendant liable and have them pay US$10,000 in special damage and US$500,000 in general damages and grant unto plaintiffs any and all further relief the court may deem just, legal and necessary,” DSTV stated in its lawsuit.

MCC Mayor Koijee

Plaintiff said on August 23, personnel of the Corporation stormed the offices of the DSTV and demanded customers to get out, arrested staff on shift and mal-handled the staff which caused injuries to a few employees, including Emmanuel Kawer, Mustapha Kamar and Emmanuel Wleh.
The Consolidated Group said evidences of medical treatment of the injured employees which is still ongoing up to the filling of the complaint would be provided during the trial.
According to the plaintiff, the Monrovia City Corporation, without serving any notice of claimed tax delinquency of the Consolidated Group Inc. stormed the offices of the plaintiff and placed locks and chains on its main gate thereby preventing the plaintiff from carrying out its business.
“The MCC arbitrarily and capriciously shut down our business without any notice of monies owed the City Corporation,” DSTV lamented.
According to Plaintiff, the act of the defendant has deprived it of the right to peaceful business operations and has exposed it to enormous economic burden, hardship, stigmatization, mental anguish, and risk of loss of franchise for which an action of damages for wrong is the proper remedy under the law.
Plaintiff said as the result of the defendant’s illegal actions, it sustained a loss of US$510,000 and at trial; it stands ready to prove the fact.

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