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“Do Not Underestimat NPP In The Coalition” –Chairman Descends On Nyenkan


The National Patriotic Party (NPP) considers untrue assertions made by Gabriel Nyenkan, that the NPP was an empty frame before collaborating with the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC)
The party also rejects the characterization attributed to its leaders by the Communications Advisor to the President. “For the sake of authenticating record, the NPP has always been and remains one of Liberia’s most democratic political institutions where partisans, avoid influence of leaders at the top of the party, can rise democratically from the level of county officials of the party to national leadership in the Party; where partisans can disagree with their leaders, vote against their leaders’ positions and still coexist,” the Party clarified.
In its response statement issued in Monrovia under the signature of the Party’s National Chairperson and Maryland County Senator, James P. Biney, among many things, it averred that since it existence, the NPP has always been entrusted with the responsibility of representing the people of Liberia in the National Legislature.
By the time the 2011 elections were over, the statement continued and the NPP had six senators seated namely Jewel Howard-Taylor, Abel Massally, Dan Morias, John Whitfield, Sando Johnson and Armah Jallah.
“Whereas the CDC had three lawmakers including Peter Coleman, the late Geraldine Doe-Sheriff and George Weah. Both parties have always had representatives in the House,” the statement recalled.
“How can you then refer to such institution as a frame? The answer is a categorical no. The NPP’s contribution to the Coalition should never be underestimated,” the statement noted.
It condemned the recent comments from Nyenkan as one that could be misconstrued by some and considered as views shared by people at the highest level in government which if allowed to continue will further undermine the strength of the Coalition.
Therefore, the statement noted that Nyenkan should not forget that the Congress made two unsuccessful strides at the presidency before achieving its goal but became successful only when the NPP and LPDP got in all and helped to make it happen.
“Irrespective of what Charles Taylor is going through, he goes down in Liberia’s history as the only Liberian President who democratically won approximately 80 percent of votes in an internationally supervised election declared by the United Nations and world leaders as free, fair and transparent,” the statement said.
“He governed under the most difficult circumstances during the civil war and still ensured that Liberians in the interior had factory opportunities like plywood factories in Grand Bassa, River Gee and Maryland Counties.
The statement said further that Taylor ensured that food was cheap and affordable all over Liberia as the interior was always accessible, as it can be attested to by those who lived in the interior of the country at the time.
“Taylor is still being loved by many Liberians today and it would be respectful to him and his relatives, since he is imprisoned, if we leave his involvement in this debate at this point. Relative to our current standard bearer, Howard-Taylor, she brought her entire democratic credentials to bare on the success of the Coalition,” it noted.
It pointed out that as two-term senator of vote rich Bong county, it is inconceivable that anyone, let alone advisor of the President will characterize Madam Taylor in such form and manner as Nyenkan did.
This is because she remains focused on utilizing all her energy and wealth of experience to improve Liberia and its impoverished population.

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