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Do Not Sell Liberia Or Your Votes …Proposed Party Leader Warns


Although there is still more time to go before 2023 elections, Liberia’s political space is already getting not only charged and tense but also interesting.

While existing parties are forming coalitions and alliances to dethrone the Coalition for Democracy Change (CDC), new parties are being established with new ideologies for the same purpose.

One of such is the proposed All Liberians Destiny Party (ALDP) headed by Jacob Seyon Kwateh, a devout Christian well versed in the Bible, honest and down to earth young Liberian.

With honesty and sincerity, he warned Liberians: “Do not Sell Liberia cheap. Do not sell your votes to any politician or politicians; not even to me. If you are to vote for me, let me earn or merit or work genuinely for it because if one labors for something he will value, love it and Cherishe it. So prove your love, loyalty and patriotism by voting people who love the country.”

Nevertheless, he said voting for people who do not deserve it simply for money is tantamount to peddling the present and future generations of the country who need quality and affordable education as well as quality and affordable health care delivery system.

Kwateh made the remarks yesterday on Crown Hill during his welcome ceremony arranged by his supporters.

The ALDP leader who said his reign will be marked by the fear of God, love and accountability added that if Liberians want change, then they must change the way they do things to embrace what God has in store for them.

Alluding to the Bible, Mr. Kwateh noted that even though Josiah was very young when he became King in Israel but because he opened his heart to God, his reign was blessed and prosperous and so was Solomon as well as Moses among others.

He strongly believed that he is Josiah, Moses and Solomon put together sent by God to redeem Liberia from centuries of political nightmare, corruption and bad governance.

Kwateh admitted the pain Liberians have felt in the hands of successive or perpetual bad governments which have made them lose hope in or respect for government; but argued that government is not evil in its entirety because it was instituted by God himself to uplift people and not to destroy them.

According to him, he is here to implement God’s will to uplift Liberia from the dungeon and take the nation to where it is destined by God to be, where all citizens will be treated fairly and equally. 

“I am not a magician. I do not know it all or have solutions or answers to all the problems but with the help of God and you Liberians we can do better together,” the ALDP’s leader urged.

“It is only Liberians who can develop Liberia and not the Chinese or the Americans because they all have their own interests and countries to cater to. We must work together and change the narratives to bring the country to its desired destiny,” he concluded.

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