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“Disunity Causing Bong To Lose More Developments”…Rep. Cole Asserts


By Alex Yomah
The failure of President George Weah to dedicate a single project or break ground for new projects in Bong County during his recent citizens’ engagement tour has not gone unnoticed in the county.
Recently, residents of Bong County have been raising concerns over the lack of presidential projects in their county when Vice President Jewel Howard-Taylor, a daughter of the county is a prominent member of ruling Coalition.
But in response to their concerns, Bong County District 3 Representative, J. Marvin Cole, clarified that the leadership of the county should be blamed and not the President or the Coalition.
He stated that Bong County did not receive President Weah well as compared to other counties and this was due to lack of coordination among the leadership up to the President’s visit.
“President Weah was not received as a President and this is due to disunity among the county’s leaders,” he reiterated.
He explained that the local leadership along with the Ministry of Internal Affairs excluded the county’s legislative caucus and because they did not coordinate properly that led to the poor turnout during the tour.
He asserted that the Internal Affairs Minister was only taking instructions from the county’s superintendent and left out the legislative caucus.
“We missed out on the opportunity when the Bong County legislative caucus met with President for over 2 hours and instead of us pushing our county’s interest, our senators were there telling the President to dismiss some officials in the county while others were recommending that others be transferred and left out the real issues,” Rep. Cole.
“Actually we should take the blame because we didn’t present our case very well and this is because of disunity,” he decried.
He said the leaders must accept that they erred and apologize to the citizenry and desist from feeding on disunity because it will cause the county to lose lots of development opportunities.

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