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District 3 Wins Kickball, Shares Football Points With District 4 In Margibi County


The second most watched tournament in Margibi County, the Margibi County Inter Electoral District League, got underway on Friday, September 22, 2023 in Kakata City, the county’s capital.
The tournament is an annual competition staged every year as a means of generating funds for the Margibi Sports Association, which is the sporting arm of the county, and also a means of scouting players for the most talked about sporting events in Liberia – the National County Sports Meet.
In the competition’s opening games at the open-air Nancy B. Doe Sports Stadium in Kakata on Friday, Districts 3 and 4 played to a goalless full 90 minutes, while in the kickball category, District 3 prevailed over District 4.
Jessica Togbah and Nancy Call’s home runs gave a convincing 3-0 win to District 3 over their opponents.
The result meant that District 3 Kickball Team became the first team to grab a win in this year’s edition of the Margibi County Inter and Electoral District League.
This year’s edition marks the third in the competition’s history, which is under the supervision of the Margibi Sports Association (MSA), with a theme “Sustaining The Peace Through Sports And Saying No To Elections Violence”. The event is in three categories, namely basketball, kickball, and football.
Margibi County has five Electoral Districts, but this year’s edition of the competition features six Districts competing for the Championship.
The girls of District 1, where Representative Tibelrosa S. Tarponweh is the lawmaker, won the kickball category against District 2, while Representative Ellen Attoh-Wreh’s boys won both basketball and football.
District 3 has recorded a back-to-back championship since the rebirth of the competition in Margibi County.
In the opening games of the competition, Deputy Minister G. Andy Quamie took the kick-off and told a scores of people gathering that the hallmark of this year’s edition is in making sure that Margibians maintain the peace, as Liberia approaches the October 10, 2023 General and Presidential Elections.
The Deputy Youth and Sports Minister lauded the people of Margibi County for such initiative, giving praises to the Margibi Sports Association (MSA).
“Let me also have you informed that you guys too need to put more funds into such competitions for the districts and people to feel the sporting festival, not just by playing on the field, but rather doing something tangible in the sporting arena in the county” said Minister Quamie.
The league continued on Sunday, September 24, at the open-air Nancy B. Doe Sports Stadium in Kakata, in both kickball and football categories.

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