By Solomon T Gaye
Report reaching the Inquirer Newspaper unveils that the deplorable condition of the Sokopa Magisterial Court situated between Nimba and Bong counties is hampering the smooth running of the court in Nimba.
Speaking to our reporter, elder Rufus Gonquoi, says the alleged failure of the judicial authorities to recondition the court is creating serious concerns among the residents in Nimba and Bong Counties.
According to Old Man Gonquoi, the court has a leaky roof which is accelerating the gradual crumbling of the structure.
“The building is damaged, everyday people are coming from the nearby towns in Nimba and Bong counties to file in lawsuit and government is not doing anything to renovate the building,” elder Gonquoi stated .
Speaking also to the Inquirer on condition of anonymity, a police officer explained that the deplorable condition of the court coupled with lack of benches is among contributing factors that is hampering the running of the police station in sending cases to the court .
“Sokopa police station is providing security to the residents living along the boundary between Nimba and Bong counties. Whenever you sent criminals to the court for prosecution, no bench or benches to sit during trial, ” the senior LNP officer lamented .
According to authoritative sources, Nimba has 18 magisterial courts, but they lacked Attorneys-at –Law or public defenders who will represent clients interest to fast track cases from the courts’ dockets.
During a normal routine at the Sokopa’s court on Friday over the weekend, people were seen sitting outside of the court for lack of seat or benches inside the courtroom .
When contacted, Judge Milton Gbusseh , says the lack of benches , stationery , coupled with the deplorable condition of the building is hampering the smooth running of the court.
“The building is leaking all over whenever it rains and documents in the clerk of court’s office sometime get damaged ,” judge Milton Gbusseh reveals .
” The means of reconditioning the building and the shortage of benches in the hall are major challenges we are facing, “ Judge Gbusseh lamented.
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